Valiant Entertainment have released a first look at Harbinger: Bleeding Monk, the upcoming zero issue from writer Joshua Dysart and an all-star cast of artists, including Mico Suayan, Khari Evans, Stephen Segovia and Lewis LaRosa.You can see the covers and pages embedded below, along with the formal description and solicitation text. The issue hits the stands on March 19.What has become of the Bleeding Monk? Formerly Toyo Harada’s right hand, the cryptic and seemingly immortal seer at the center of the battle between the Harbinger Foundation and Peter Stanchek’s Renegades has been missing for over a year. But now, for the first time, the mysterious monk who bleeds but does not die will reveal the truth of how he came to be, and, with it, the first of many secret revelations to come…HARBINGER: BLEEDING MONK #0 Written by JOSHUA DYSART Art by MICO SUAYAN, KHARI EVANS, STEPHEN SEGOVIA, and LEWIS LAROSA Cover by CLAYTON HENRY (JAN141359) Pullbox Exclusive Variant by CLAYTON CRAIN (JAN141360) Variant Cover by MICO SUAYAN (JAN141361) $3.99/T+/32 pgs. ON SALE 3/19/14 (FOC – 2/24/14)
Harbinger: Bleeding Monk #0 Preview Released From Valiant
Valiant Entertainment have released a first look at Harbinger: Bleeding Monk, the upcoming zero […]