HBO Reportedly Planning Game Of Thrones Movie After TV Series Ends

Game of Thrones is running into its sixth season with its ultimate end close by - as a series, [...]

Game of Thrones is running into its sixth season with its ultimate end close by - as a series, anyway.

A new report by The Week suggests that after the HBO series concludes, there are plans for a movie according to the show's creator and writer George R.R. Martin. "There will be a movie but I will not be involved," Martin said at an HBO Emmy after-party. "I have too much to do. That is something HBO and D.B. [Weiss] and David [Benioff] are dealing with. I have two more books to finish and I still have so much to do. The pressure is on. I am such a slow writer and the fans get upset that I don't write faster."

The report also claims a source involved with production elaborated on the film, saying it could go back in time. "With the Game of Thrones universe, there is much rich material and no constraints on when that story will take place," the source said. "They are looking at dipping back in time during certain periods of the series, which could be examined as a one off plot," adding, "That means that some the big characters who fans have seen die on screen could be resurrected such as Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Oberyn Martell and Ned Stark."

David Benioff reportedly told The Week, "No way in hell we know what the end is and we're rapidly approaching it," after ruling out extending the series to 10 seasons.

As exciting and plausible as a Game of Thrones movie might be, let's take this with a Mountain sized grain of salt. Even if Martin, at an after-party, mentioned a Game of Thrones movie in which he wouldn't be involved, that sort of thing is probably way above his pay grade. That would be the same thing as Stan Lee saying there will one day be a Daredevil movie. At this point, he created the characters, but they're in new hands and if those hands wants a movie, they'll make a movie, regardless of the creator's opinion.


UPDATE (9/30/15 9:45 AM)

George R.R. Martin has denied the quotes and rumors on his blog, saying they're "completely false." Then adding, "No one is working on any movie just now. And if there was a movie, it would not be about Robert's Rebellion."