Kevin Smith just might be the luckiest man alive. First, director Zack Snyder showed Smith an early photo of Ben Affleck as Batman in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, several months before the rest of the world got their first look. Then, director J.J. Abrams invited Smith to visit the set of Star Wars Episode VII in London.
Videos by ComicBook.com
And if those two events alone weren’t momentous enough for a complete life, Smith has now also sighted a rare double rainbow. While attending the Neuchatel International Film Festival in Switzerland, Smith posted about the double rainbow encounter, along with photographic proof.
Oh my God! It’s a DOUBLE RAINBOW in Neuchatel! Merci beau coup for inviting me, NIFFF! I will miss the Swiss!
Unfortunately, Smith just posted a photo, so there is no video of his reaction. However, we imagine it being something along the lines of what transpired in the video below after another famous double rainbow sighting.
Smith has yet to announce a new film project based on his double rainbow sighting, but we imagine it’s only a matter of time.