Lion Forge Offering Three Free Downloads For Free Comic Book Day

Digital comics publisher Lion Forge is taking part in the Free Comic Book Day festivities by [...]


Digital comics publisher Lion Forge is taking part in the Free Comic Book Day festivities by offering the first issues of three of its most popular titles as free downloads: Roboy, Catalyst Prime and Trimaxx. In Roboy #1, written by Brandon Easton, Aiden Cross looks like your average 12 year old boy, he's a video game pro, and unbeatable at kickball. Thing is Aiden isn't like other boys his age; he has super strength, can talk with computers and has glowing circuits in his body. Aiden is a robot (actually, he is more of an android but he just doesn't know it yet). Roboy follows Aidens adventures as he goes on a quest to find his creator while defending the city from an on-coming robot invasion.

Catalyst Prime: Quincredible

In Catalyst Prime: Quincredible #1, written by David Gorden, a new cosmic event will spur the next great step in evolution. People who have randomly come into contact with powerful meteorites are gaining superhuman abilities. Now they must decide how to use their powers. Will it be for good or for evil? How will they function in a world that no longer makes any sense?  How will they deal with the people that fear them and their new powers? And those who are willing to stop at nothing to exploit them? In Trimaxx No.1, when Mayuri "Mo" O'Connor discovers that she is the only person in the world that can sync with and control the robotic guardian Trimaxx she embarks on a journey to become the world's greatest hero, protecting the planet from its greatest threat - the evil alien empire known as the Mechani "We love Free Comic Book Day," said David Steward, CEO of Lion Forge Comics. "We think of ourselves as fans first and a comic book company second. We're happy to be joining the other major publishers on a day that celebrates what millions around the world love – comics! And we know fans will enjoy these free digital downloads that they can take with them everywhere on their smartphones and tablets." You can download these three DRM-free digital comics for free at