Marvel Star Chris Hemsworth Cast In Ghostbusters

Director Paul Feig (Spy) has revealed via twitter that Chris Hemsworth (Avengers: Age of Ultron) [...]


Director Paul Feig (Spy) has revealed via twitter that Chris Hemsworth (Avengers: Age of Ultron) has been cast in his female-led Ghostbusters reboot.

Hemsworth, who plays Thor in Marvel's Cinematic Universe, has been cast as the film's receptionist. In the original Ghostbusters, that role ('Janine Melnitz') was filled by a nasally-voiced Annie Potts (Designing Women).

Check out Feig's tweet below.

Insiders say the studio went to Hemsworth very early on in the process for one the major male roles but the Aussie actor thought the role to be too small and passed. Since then Sony sent the script back to be reworked so the part could be beefed up and it looks as if the latest draft is to Hemsworth's liking. - Variety

Paul Feig's Ghostbusters is due in theaters July 22, 2016. The cast includes: Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones.