Norman Reedus Calls The Walking Dead Season 5 Completely Insane

Several Walking Dead cast members have already made their way back to Georgia in preparation for [...]

Norman Reedus Scary Zombies

Several Walking Dead cast members have already made their way back to Georgia in preparation for Season 5 filming, which means several cast members are also starting to find out what is in store for the upcoming season. At this point, cast members are likely restricted from talking specifics, but Norman Reedus did give Entertainment Weekly a general description of what Walking Dead fans should expect. "From what I know, it's gonna be just completely insane, said Reedus. "I sort of knew I needed like a good month to rest to jump in. The storyline they're throwing me is a thousand miles an hour." Of course, considering how Season 4 ended with Rick and his group being herded into a box car, it makes sense that Season 5 would kick off with a faster pace. How does Reedus' tease compare to the way he described last season? Reedus teased Episode 1 of Season 4 by calling it "huge." Reedus described season 4 as a whole as being scary, intense, amazing, and crazy.
