Peacemaker addresses one of the biggest debates in DC Comics lore in its latest episode: whether Batman is righteous or just foolish for never killing villains like The Joker! (WARNING: Mild Spoilers for Peacemaker Follow!) In Peacemaker Episode 4, “The Choad Less Traveled” Chris Smith / Peacemaker (John Cena) once again gets into a heated (and vulgar) debate with his dad’s curmudgeonly old neighbor (Mel Tuck) about their favorite topic: Whether Peacemaker is a hero or a villain. This little meta riff on actual debates that happen all the time in DC fandom quickly pulls in a comparison example: The Batman!ย
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According to Auggie Smith’s neighbor, one defining aspect of Batman is his iconic “coterie of supervillains.” ย The fact that Peacemaker has no such rogues gallery is clear evidence that he’s not in fact a superhero.
ย Well, Peacemaker definitely takes exception to that notion, explaining to the old man that he has no such lineup of villains always plaguing him, because, “My coterie of supervillains is six-feet-f***ing-under!”
However, Peacemaker’s violent boast only serves to strengthen what the elderly neighbor is saying: Batman doesn’t need to be a killer, to create the intimidating atmosphere of “a dark creature of the night!”ย
Peacemaker isn’t buying the explanation that Batman is still a badass even without killing โ in fact, he has a major problem with that entire notion, outright contending that Batman is a “p***y!”
“He’s a jackass! Who wrestles with murders dressed like clowns and throws them in prison! So they can break out of prison and then murder more people,” Peacemaker argues. “Riddle me this: How many people you think Batman’s indirectly murdered by being too much of a candy-ass not to kill these fools who clearly need to be smoked once and for all โ you wrinkly, Shar Pei-looking, dementia-infested f*ck? “

The ‘Should Batman Kill?’ debate has grown well beyond comic book lore to become a legitimate branch of philosophical inquiry, right alongside DC-themed debates like ‘Are you Batman or Superman’ and ‘What do Batman and Joker represent as ideological constructs?’ Obviously, the Batman/Joker rivalry is the one that most often brings this debate to the forefront; Joker’s sociopathic brutality and terroristic malevolence on entire populaces is probably the closest metaphor comic books (or maybe literature as a whole) has for channeling real-world debates like ‘Should we have killed [INSERT EVIL HISTORICAL FIGURE] if we knew what he/she/they would do to the world?’ย
Well, Peacemaker certainly has a clear view and perspective on all this philosophical thinking โ it would be interesting to know just how closely (or not) those views reflect those of showrunner James Gunn…
Peacemaker streams new episodes Thursdays on HBO Max.ย