Coming in August, Boom! Studios have just announced the release of a project titled RoboCop: Last Stand, featuring work from legendary comics artists Frank Miller and Steven Grant, as well as Korkut Öztekin and Declan Shalvey.It’s not clear what the breakdown of the work will be; it wouldn’t be surprising if, as he’s done a number of times in the past, Miller simply provided covers. He’s credited first on the poster, which may suggest that the Sin City creator has a larger role than that.Miller is credited with working on RoboCop 2 and RoboCop 3, as well as video games based on the third film and his comic book miniseries RoboCop Vs. The Terminator. Both Miller and Grant have written RoboCop comics in the past, and Grant wrote an introduction for an Avatar Press collection of Frank Miller’s RoboCop.
RoboCop From Frank Miller Coming to Boom! Studios
Coming in August, Boom! Studios have just announced the release of a project titled RoboCop: Last […]