Supergirl Has The Chops To Fight A Lumberjack In The CBS Pilot

TV Line has the scoop on who Melissa Benoist's ('Whiplash') Kara Danvers will be battling against [...]


TV Line has the scoop on who Melissa Benoist's ("Whiplash") Kara Danvers will be battling against in the CBS Supergirl pilot.

They report that Supergirl's first foe will be DC Comics' Lumberjack. Who? There was a Lumberjack, who happened to also be an assassin. He appeared in Wonder Woman issue #268 (1980).

CBS would like to find a large actor like Scottish actor Rory McCann, who you know as Sandor "The Hound" Clegane on the HBO's Game of Thrones. CBS describes the character as a "big, burly monster of a man, who has battled Kara's cousin." Ha, another reference to Superman!

TV Line adds that Lumberjack "shows up to ascertain her level of power, on behalf of an unseen superior."

Hopefully the Supergirl pilot turns out well or the show will get the axe.