The Walking Dead Season 5 Will Go On The Road, Show A Little More Of Terminus

The Walking Dead cast and crew have already started filming Season 5 of the series in Georgia. In [...]

The Walking Dead Season 4 FinaleThe Walking Dead

cast and crew have already started filming Season 5 of the series in Georgia. In a new interview with AMC, The Walking Dead Co-Executive Producer Denise Huth revealed a couple minor details on what fans can expect during Season 5. The Walking Dead Season 4 ended with Rick Grimes and several other survivor trapped in a box car at Terminus. While Season 5 will likely kick off in Terminus given the cliffhanger ending to Season 4, it doesn't sound like Rick and the others will spend very long there, before getting back on the road. When asked about new locations for Season 5, Huth said, "We're out of the prison and we're on the road; and we will see a little more of Terminus. The [survivors] don't have a space to get back to, like the prison, so this year will be really brand new, which is exciting." In regards to how the Season 5 Premiere will compare to the Season 4 Finale, Huth said, "Premieres are exciting because the audience is dying to know what's happening, especially this year since we ended on a cliffhanger. It's about answering all those questions that fans have had all summer long, and setting up where we're going for the rest of the year. Scott Gimple is very good at laying in all these little details in the first few episodes that will pay off during the season. With the finale, you want to be satisfied and leave people wanting more." As far as to what fans can look forward to in Season 5, Huth revealed, "A lot has happened to these people while they were apart. We don't know where Beth is, the group doesn't know what happened with Lizzie and Mika…there's a lot of story that will affect these characters. Seeing them back together after everything they've lost will be really exciting." The Walking Dead Season 5 will premiere in October 2014 on AMC.