The Walking Dead's David Morrissey: Every Minute on the Show is a Bonus

While some fans were upset to see that David Morrissey's live-action iteration of The Walking [...]

The Governor The Walking Dead

While some fans were upset to see that David Morrissey's live-action iteration of The Walking Dead's Governor didn't die at the end of last season, the actor says that he finds every day on the hit show to be exciting, and that he would do whatever was asked of him to stay on. So far, he's in good shape, as he's been called back as a series regular for season four, which kicks off on October 16...but on a show like The Walking Dead, that doesn't necessarily mean he won't die an episode or two into the new season, so Morrissey is counting his lucky stars to be there. "Every minute you have on The Walking Dead, it's a bonus," Morrissey told reporters at San Diego Comic Con International yesterday. "I love it. The actors will all tell you the same thing. It's a great show to work on; it's a show where you never open a script and think in a negative way, 'How am I going to make that work?' Sometimes as an actor you get scripts and it's like, 'No one talks like that. How the hell am I gonna make that work?' You never have that dilemma. Your dilemma is you're looking at the writing and going, 'How am I going to release this? How am I going to get this off the page?' You're given a present and now you have to use it, so that's what the challenge of the show really is." What makes it special? Morrissey gives a lot of the credit to series creator Robert Kirkman and star Andrew Lincoln. "I was asked last season about the show, and I said 'You know what? I'd make the tea for this show. I would actually get there and make coffee for everybody. I love being there," Morrissey added. "I know it sounds like crap actor talk, but it's absolutely true. I've been on a lot of shows and this show just--it's not even a plan, it's just the way the stars fall. It starts with Robert but all those elements all along the way. For me and my department, it's Andrew. He leads from the front, you know? When he goes to work, he goes to work in a way that's so committed, so all-encompassing; he doesn't close off from people, he leads from the front and he sets an example as the leading actor. So that's great, and no one comes on the show and sees the leading actor sort of not turning off or giving bad times to people or being discourteous; it's absolutely professional and wonderful and then the cameras turn and you're like, 'This guy's brilliant!' So you've got to step up to that--all the actors feel that."