The X-Files TV Series Won't Make "Home" Sequel But The Comics Will

Despite earlier reports, The X-Files will not be making a sequel to the fan-favorite episode [...]

Despite earlier reports, The X-Files will not be making a sequel to the fan-favorite episode "Home" when the series comes back in January. It appears the original report may have been based on intel about the forthcoming The X-Files: Season Eleven comic books by writer Joe Harris.

Entertainment Weekly (via Bloody Disgusting) asked show creator Chris Carter about the rumors, and he denied that any of the new episodes would be direct follow-ups to the original series' greatest hits.

"We're not going to reboot any of the old favorites, although it was something we all thought about," Carter said. "These are all brand new stories. We hope to scare you in brand new ways."

At the same time, the "Home Again" title that was reportedly set to be the follow-up to the Peacock family episode will in fact pop up in a follow-up story in the comics. Both Harris and colorist Brian Miller showed off the image below.

The X-Files: Season 11 #2Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • menton3 (c)"Home Again," Part 1 of 2: Despite his...

Posted by Joe Harris on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The X-Files is back in January on FOX. The X-Files Season Eleven is coming to comic shops in September.