Videos by ComicBook.com
You can click on the images below to see a full-sized (huge) version of each image. Below that, check out what McFarlane had to say about the images on Facebook…and a plea to fans to send him questions to answer in the next Spawn letter column — “the stupider the better.”
Spawn #247 is solicited for September 3 (although the fact that they’re prepping it now suggests it will hit later in the month) from Todd McFarlane and Szymon Kudranski with a cover by Batman‘s Greg Capullo and McFarlane.

SPAWN is good for CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!! All depends on how you present it, just like food they don’t like to eat. (**And I need your questions…the STUPIDER the better!!**)
I’ve had people over the years, ask me if I will ever do any creative drawing for kids (young children). my instincts tell me the answer is “no”. I think there are lots and lots of great creative folks that will fill that area for children. But if I did decide to morph into a children’s book author, I would still do creepy stories with nice cute drawings. Just like Hansel and Gretel.
Below are a couple of goofy drawings I did because I was going to talk to a terrific artist , Skottie Young. He is currently finishing a book for Marvel Comics that I just saw was the highest selling comic for that particular month. he does awesome ‘kid hero’ drawings and I didn’t want him to think he was better than me ( because us artists have a very competitive nature). I told him I could do his style (not really, but don’t tell him). So I did the Spawn figure first, then the Clown villain later. Hope you like.
Also, I have another comic getting ready to go to print (SPAWN #247) and need some of your questions for the letters page. so if you have any type of question, please ask below in a comment and we may pick it out for print in the book (and I mean ANY question! Even something like “Todd, do like the length of your nose?” Or “Todd, do you think Spinach is too dark a green color?”
i will answer your inquisitive questions in my book (and possibly here in this very post).