Top New Midseason TV Shows For Comic Book Fans

The holiday season is over, which means the Charlie Brown Christmas specials are done, and new [...]

The holiday season is over, which means the Charlie Brown Christmas specials are done, and new episodes of returning shows and midseason replacements are starting. Of course among returning TV shows, comic book fans have The Big Bang Theory, Fringe, and The Walking Dead. However, the exciting news is that there are several brand new midseason shows that should be of interest to comic book fans. Here's our list of the top new TV shows for comic book fans.

Napoleon DynamiteNapoleon Dynamite

– The original Napoleon Dynamite movie was a cult classic, and FOX has always done well with animated series, so putting the two together should result in some good TV viewing. Another plus is this animated comedy series will be voiced by the movie's original actors. Napoleon Dynamite premieres on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 8:30 PM ET on FOX.

Celebrity ApprenticeCelebrity Apprentice

– While the Celebrity Apprentice normally might not be a show that comic book fans would be eagerly anticipating, this season is different as Lou Ferrigno and George Takei have both made the cast. Of course, Lour Ferrigno is best known for playing The Incredible Hulk on the seventies and eighties TV show of the same name, and George Takei is best known as Star Trek's Sulu. Both Ferrigno and Takei have been active on the comic book convention circuit, so they each should have a large base of comic book fans cheering them on as they raise money for their favorite charities. Celebrity Apprentice premieres on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 9 PM ET on NBC.

The RiverThe River

– This midseason replacement on ABC is being described as a paranormal/adventure/horror series, which should fall into a category of interest for comic book fans. Also, The River has a strong cast, and Steven Spielberg is executive producer. The preview commercials for The River definitely have us intrigued, as there seem to be some frightening things afoot in the Amazon. The River premieres on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 9 PM ET on ABC.

Comic Book MenComic Book Men

Comic Book Men has a lot of things going for it. It's being produced by Kevin Smith, and it's airing on AMC, a network that has proven itself among comic book fans by giving us The Walking Dead TV show. Some have been critical that the title and early Comic Book Men preview clips suggest the series is only focused on male comic book fans, while they would like to see female comic book fans included. However, with both Kevin Smith and AMC involved, we're going to give the series the benefit of the doubt and classify it as must-see TV for comic book fans. Comic Book Men premieres on February 12, 2012 on AMC, after The Walking Dead.

Alcatraz TV Show LogoAlcatraz

– Two things put Alcatraz at the top of our list for midseason replacement shows: JJ Abrams and Jorge Garcia. We've been having serious Lost withdrawals recently, and Alcatraz looks like it could be just the fix that we so desperately need. Another interesting twist that should delight comic book fans is that Jorge Garcia's character Dr. Diego "Doc" Soto is described as being not only an Alcatraz expert, but also a comic book enthusiast. Can we expect the "Doc" to weigh in on the New 52 during the show? Alcatraz will debut on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 8 PM ET on FOX. What new midseason TV shows are you looking forward to? Are there any others that we left off the list that we should have included?