The year 2008 will go down as a banner year for killing off comic book characters.Perhaps inspired by the wonderful press coverage that Marvel received when they put a bullet in Captain America last year, DC Comics in particular really let the hatchet fly quick and hard this year.While none of the deaths seemed to generate quite as much media coverage as Captain America’s death, 2008 was impressive for the sheer quantity of second tier characters killed.There was one death that had the potential to be bigger than Captain America’s death, but the comic publisher readily admitted the character was going to return, so the media coverage quickly died down.No one was immune from death in 2008 from Justice Leaguers to Avengers to New Gods to Super Friends.Some were killed in a crisis or an invasion, while others fell victim to heart attacks or mad Wonderdogs.Without further ado, here is our list of the top ten comic book character deaths in 2008.
Top Ten Comic Book Character Deaths Of 2008
The year 2008 will go down as a banner year for killing off comic book characters. Perhaps […]