Zachary Quinto is Primed for Star Trek Sequels

Even though 'Star Trek' hasn't hit theaters yet, Zachary Quinto (Spock) is looking forward to [...]

Even though 'Star Trek' hasn't hit theaters yet, Zachary Quinto (Spock) is looking forward to future sequels. The Heroes star sat down with SciFiWire and talked about the Star Trek franchise:

"We spent a lot of time in this film introducing these characters and exploring the events that lead them to the convergence as the crew of the Enterprise." So I imagine that in future films, or the next film or the next installment, we would probably settle into some sort of cohesion as a crew, as individuals and as a unit."

Quinto added:

"I'd be really interested to see what happens between Spock and Uhura [Zoe Saldana] and with Kirk [Chris Pine] and that sort of triangle. And, ... for me, one of the greatest things about this movie was the emotional immersion of my character. So I would love to see that manifest itself in a different way."

When talking about Spock, Quinto says that his version of the character is in a different place than that of his predecessor, Leonard Nimoy:

"I think that where Leonard [Nimoy] plays the character in this movie is the absolute opposite end of the spectrum, which is that he's completely resolved and settled into the duality that exists within him. And my character certainly is not.

For the entire interview, click the SciFiWire link in the first paragraph.