You might remember when we previously featured a web series titled Life After Power Rangers by Noah Baron and Jay Diaz, a series that puts the Green Ranger in the spotlight long after he’s done saving the world as a Power Ranger. Since that first episode, we’ve seen him jump into a new career as an actor, reunite with several of his former Power Rangers teammates, and learned why he always has the suit on, but that’s not all. Fans got a pretty sweet reunion of their own, as legendary Power Rangers stars David Yost and Walter Jones also joined the series, and have delightful roles in the last episode before the finale.
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Fans who have watched the series play out know that the Green Ranger eventually meets Pink, Red, and more of his past teammates, though not in ways you might expect. While all that’s going on he’s trying to kickstart an acting career, and that’s where Yost comes in, as the original Blue Ranger plays Green’s new agent. Yost is great in the part, but he’s not the only Ranger who shows up.
In episode 4 we see Green’s agent nab him an audition, and he’s auditioning for none other than the original Black Ranger Walter Jones. This sequence is one of the show’s best for a number of reasons, and that definitely includes Green’s interactions with Jones.
Both Yost and Jones appear in the latest episode, which ends on an interesting cliffhanger as Green attempts to solve the problem of a broken Morpher and getting out of his suit for good, and we can’t wait to see how things end. You can watch the latest episode in the video above, and to catch up on the whole series you can head right here.
Life After Power Rangers was created by Jay Diaz and Noah Baron, and Diaz also directed, filmed, and edited the episode. Baron stars in the episode alongside Aerial Washington, Monica Orozco, Timm Perry, Vincent Maeder, Anthony L. Gilardi, Amanda Saechao, Ken Black, Briana Fesperman, and Kevin Sinic.
Anthony Gilardi Acting Studio, Alive Fitness, and Snakepit Alehouse also contributed, and you can check out the entire first episode in the video above.
You can find more from Noah Baron on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can find Jay Diaz on Twitter, YouTube, and his official website.
What did you think of the episode? Let us know in the comments and you can always hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things Power Rangers!