The cast of Street Fighter collided with the Power Rangers when Ryu and company invaded Power Rangers Legacy Wars, and now the Rangers have invaded the world of Street Fighter V.
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It’s all thanks to modder MonkeyGigaBuster (via Eventhubs), who modded the current iteration of Street Fighter Street Fighter V to include several Rangers from the franchise. That includes the recently introduced Ryu Ranger, who debuted in the Power Rangers Legacy Wars Street Fighter event.

The Ryu Ranger design looks sleek in Street Fighter’s stylized graphics, but thanks to MonkeyGigaBuster we have a few more in the modded story mode. That includes the Red Wild Force Ranger (taking over for Ken) who takes on Ryu Ranger first but then seems to come to an understanding with him, eventually teaming up with Chun-Li as well.

The most high profile appearance though is Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. Tommy is in full villain mode here, subbing in for Bison and giving off a big Green with Evil vibe in general.
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Seeing the Rangers in this style just makes us want a full console Power Rangers fighting game even more, and we’d be fine if it used Street Fighter V’s graphical style.
You can check out even more screens in the gallery, and you can find more of MonkeyGigaBuster’s work here.
Fans will get even more of the Street Fighter Power Rangers team-up soon, as Capcom, Hasbro, and Bat in the Sun have teamed up for a combo short film titled Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown. The new film will bring in Ryu and Chun-Li along with Rangers Tommy (Jason David Frank) and Gia (Ciara Hanna), and you can check out the full trailer for that project here.
You can find the official description of the Power Rangers Legacy Wars event below, and to see the Street Fighter V mod in action check out the video above.
“After he and his friends were sucked into the Morphin Grid, Ryu was presented with his own Crimson Hawk Power Coin, allowing him to morph into the Ryu Ranger, and team up with the Power Rangers to take on the deadly duo of M. Bison and Rita Repulsa. Combining his Crimson Hawk Power Coin with the power of Hado, Ryu Ranger’s Hadoken takes the shape of the hawk, lifting his opponents into the air, and his Tatsumaki uses the strength of a hawk’s wings to trap his opponents.”