Star Trek: Kate Mulgrew Wants to Return in Movie With William Shatner, Patrick Stewart

Star Trek: Voyager star Kate Mulgrew wants to bring back Captain Janeway for a crossover movie [...]

Star Trek: Voyager star Kate Mulgrew wants to bring back Captain Janeway for a crossover movie with William Shatner and Patrick Stewart.

Mulgrew was a guest at the Star Trek: Destination convention in Birmingham in the United Kingdom. During her panel, a fan asked if she would ever suit back up again.

"Shatner, Stewart and myself in some sort of movie - I'd love to do that. So the answer is yes," Mulgrew replied.

Mulgrew has set a pretty high bar to get her back into a Starfleet uniform. The Star Trek film franchise already moved on to a new universe with a rebooted version of the original series cast, including Chris Pine playing Shatner's role as Captain Kirk. Three films have been released so far with two more in the planning, though the fourth has hit production quagmire with the Pine's exit over contract negotiations.

Patrick Stewart is set to return to his role as Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation in a new series on CBS All Access. While Mulgrew could, theoretically, appear in that series, even Picard's old Next Generation co-stars haven't been contacted about appearing in the series, so chances seem slim.

Following the Picard series announcement, some wondered if Shatner might also return as James Kirk in some capacity. Shatner has said that the idea of him taking on a leading role again is unlikely.

"Right now I'm happy doing what I'm doing," Shatner explained. "I've been offered many series over the years. But I haven't done them because of the commitment of time. And at this stage of my life, that's more valuable than anything else."

That said, he did leave the door open for a smaller appearance if the circumstances were right.

"It will have to pass through enormous hurdles including permission from Paramount," Shatner said, "and then they'll have to get back to me and see where things are at."

Shatner's final outing as Kirk was in the 1994 film Star Trek Generations, where he co-starred with Stewart and handed off the torch of the film series. Mulgrew had a brief cameo in the final pre-reboot Star Trek movie, Star Trek: Nemesis. In that film, Vice Admiral Janeway gives Picard his orders to take the Enterprise to Romulus on a diplomatic mission following a coup of the government.

Would you like to see these three Star Trek captains team up in a new movie? Let us know in the comments!