Daisy Ridley Knows Whose Rey's Parents Are, Doesn't Think It's Important

Speaking at the MTV Movie Awards, Daisy Ridley teased a little bit about Star Wars: Episode VIII, [...]

(Photo: Lucasfilm)

Speaking at the MTV Movie Awards, Daisy Ridley teased a little bit about Star Wars: Episode VIII, filming now. She also dropped an interesting tidbit: she's known who Rey's parents are since filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

She didn't give any hints, really, though she did say the speculation that Rogue One main character Jyn's her character's mother is silly. "I'm not being funny you guys, but just because she's white and got brown hair, it doesn't mean she's my mom."

Either way, Ridley found out who Rey's parents were "when [they] were filming VII," and she doesn't think it's very important.

"I think the amazing thing about VII is that Finn and Rey don't come from anywhere, and they find a place. So to me, it's funny that people think it's so important because I don't really think it is," Ridley said of her parentage.

She, when prompted, agreed the second film in the planned trilogy will probably be "darker," though the interviewer introduced that word. She also said she doesn't "know if [she is] a Jedi," and hinted that Leia's connection to the Force might be further explored alongside her own.

"We've had this debate as to whether Leia is [a Jedi] because she uses her Force powers," Ridley said poignantly.

Star Wars: Episode VIII is currently filming for a December 15, 2017 release.