John Williams Admits He's Never Watched a Star Wars Movie In Its Entirety

The legendary composer John Williams is known for famous themes to films like Harry Potter, Jaws, [...]

The legendary composer John Williams is known for famous themes to films like Harry Potter, Jaws, Indiana Jones, and of course, Star Wars. But Williams has admitted something that may surprise many fans: He's never actually sat down to watch any of the Star Wars movies.

NEXT: Listen to the Rogue One Score by Michael Giacchino

"I let it go. I have not looked at the Star Wars films and that's absolutely true," Williams admitted to the Daily Mirror. "When I'm finished with a film, I've been living with it, we've been dubbing it, recording to it, and so on. You walk out of the studio and, 'Ah, it's finished.'"

When he's done with a film, he prefers to back away and move on to the next. And with a body of work that includes over 140 composing credits, that makes a certain amount of sense.

"Now I don't have an impulse to go to the theater and look at it. Maybe some people find that weird," Williams said. "I'm not particularly proud of that, I have to say, but it's also part of the fact that [in that case] 'I finished Star Wars now and I'm already working on Spielberg's new film [for example]' and I don't want to listen to music or see films."

So while that may all sound shocking to fans who have watched the movies hundreds of times, and listened to his compositions thousands of times, it is somewhat understandable. What's not, however, is that Williams, even with all his success, says he thinks "a lot of [my themese] are not very memorable." On that, Mr. Williams, Star Wars fans will have to respectfully disagree.

John Williams began work on Star Wars: Episode VIII this month, and expects to be finished with that film by April 2017, just before Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, in theaters now, is the first Star Wars film without Williams in the Composer chair, as Michael Giacchino took over for the standalone film.

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h/t JediNews