Watch Mark Hamill Sing in German In Weird '80s Star Wars Skit

Thanks to the internet nothing is ever really gone, even if it came from a galaxy far, far [...]

Thanks to the internet nothing is ever really gone, even if it came from a galaxy far, far away.

This is the lesson that Star Wars star Mark Hamill discovered this weekend. The legendary Luke Skywalker actor took to Twitter on Saturday to share a short clip of himself clad in a gold jumpsuit, singing in German for a Star Wars-themed German television parody. He also shared some of his recollections of the somewhat bonkers (in the best way) 1980 adventure.

"I remember not wanting to wear a gold jumpsuit like a rejected member of ABBA or if I could memorize dialogue in a foreign language-but thought 'Who cares? No one outside of Germany will ever see this!'" Hamill wrote. "Thanks to the internet-NOTHING EVER GOES AWAY. Who knew?"

While the clip Hamill shared was only a one-minute bit featuring his part, there's actually far, far more to the Star Wars parody and thanks to the internet (it's on a two for two streak here today) the full eight-minute presentation is available for Star Wars fans everywhere to enjoy. And enjoy they should. Thanks to YouTube user Dec Cart, you too can watch the delightful variety show program that features not just a gold jumpsuit clad Hamill, but a ballerina version of Princess Leia, a disco-themed light saber dance number, a fashionable gold lame clad take on C-3PO and, even an inexplicable appearance by Star Trek's USS Enterprise -- complete with Darth Vader wearing a "I Hate Kirk" t-shirt and advertisement for the chewing gum we all really, really need. You have to check it out for yourself above.

While this incredible German Star Wars parody appears to have remained largely unseen for nearly four decades, many fans may notice some similarities to a more recent disco parody of another popular movie franchise. The fantastic Guardians of the Galaxy "Guardians Inferno" video has a lot of similarities to this Star Wars spoof and director James Gunn has even previously indicated that Meco's disco version of the Star Wars Theme from 1977 as well as its associated video were major influences on "Guardians Inferno" and Meco's disco theme is central to the Star Wars parody as well.

"Many of you have asked me how and why the Guardians Inferno video has come about," Gunn said. "As many of you know, the biggest influence on the song, written by our composer Tyler Bates and me, is Meco's disco-infused version of the Star Wars Theme, which went to number one on Billboard in 1977. It was never really part of the Star Wars movies, but in my mind, it was inextricably tied to the fun of it -- I owned the 45 single as a kid and would listen to it on repeat."

As for this German Star Was parody, we'll be watching this one on repeat as well.

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