After successfully debuting the brand new animated series in July, Disney is already gearing up for more episodes of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny.
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The series of vignettes focused on fan-favorite characters including Leia, Rey, Ahsoka, and more as part of a multimedia initiative to showcase the powerful women in the Star Wars Universe.
Writer Jennifer Muro revealed in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter that more episodes are coming in October as a part of a special on Disney XD, and it will feature another character not yet seen on the series.
“It’s been announced that we’ll see Hera [from Star Wars Rebels], which will be great,” Muro said. “I think people will enjoy seeing the characters in the second season.”
She wouldn’t reveal if the series would feature new characters other than Hera Syndulla. Muro did talk about the difficulties of producing a series of episodes that fit in such a short time frame.
“It is a challenge, but I think that as long as we kept the themes we wanted to touch upon, we’d be fine,” Muro said. “It was rough sometimes to do that in three minutes. I think it came across — we’re telling it through actions, and through a choice, and once that choice is made, through the conclusion of that choice. I think you can show all that in three minutes. I would love more time, that would be fantastic, but it was a good challenge. It was kind of fun.”
Series actors like Daisy Ridley and Felicity Jones will return for the second season, and Muro said she’s delighted with their involvement — especially the voice of narrator Maz Kanata.
“It was thrilling that they wanted to be involved, and Lupita [Nyong’o] as well. It was so nice to have them with the TV actors and the voice actors — it brings the worlds together in a way I didn’t expect. It gives it more legitimacy, but beyond it being legitimate, it’s just wonderful for people who weren’t paying attention to go, ‘Oh, that’s surprising that [the movie cast] is doing that,’ and it brings more attention to what we’re trying to accomplish. It was nice to have them in the mix.”
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny returns in October.
Rey, Ahsoka Tano, Jyn Erso, Princess Leia, Sabine Wren, and other icons of a galaxy far, far away will take center stage in Star Wars Forces of Destiny — a new animated micro-series and initiative celebrating some of Star Wars’ most beloved and inspirational characters. Announced by Disney and Lucasfilm today, Star Wars Forces of Destiny launches in July with a series of animated shorts (2-3 minutes each) on Disney YouTube, exploring all-new adventures of the fan-favorites.