Obi-Wan Kenobi Series Hints That There May Be More Kenobis in the Galaxy

Throughout the entire Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars fans had not shortage of theories that Rey was a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, explaining her abilities with the Force. As we all know now, that didn't turn out to be true, but the idea that there were more Kenobis out in the galaxy is now more plausible than ever. On the latest episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ewan McGregor's titular Jedi opened up about his family.

During the episode, Leia asks Obi-Wan if he's keeping a secret from her, as she can tell he knows more about her birthparents than he's letting on. While he doesn't share too much about the truth of Padme and Anakin, Obi-Wan does talk about his own family, explaining to Leia that his situation was similar to hers. He had a family but was taken from them at a young age to train with the Jedi, and he recalls during the conversation that he had a baby brother.

"As Jedi, we're taken from our families when we're very young," Obi-Wan told Leia. "I still have glimpses, flashes really. My mother's shawl. My father's hands. I remember a baby. Yes, I think I had a brother. But I don't remember him. I wished I did. Then I joined the Jedi and I got a new family, just like you."

This is the first time that Obi-Wan ever mentions having a sibling, which leads to plenty of questions about what happened to the rest of his family. Rey didn't turn out to be a descendant of the Kenobis, but that doesn't mean someone who lived during her era wasn't connected to the Jedi's family.

There was no elaboration on Obi-Wan's part when it came to the topic of his family. Once the subject was changed, he never returned to elaborate further. It will be interesting to see if he talks more about them in a future episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

What do you think of Obi-Wan Kenobi so far? Do you think the mention of Obi-Wan's brother could be important later on? Let us know in the comments!