Honestly, it’s surprising that the Internet didn’t completely shut down this morning. During a live-stream from Star Wars Celebration Orlando, the first trailer for its ninth film, The Last Jedi, was finally released.
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The trailer has been the talk of the town all day, and the chatter has continued well into the afternoon. Many fans have watched the trailer multiple times, and keep finding new and exciting references throughout.
With such a deep universe to pull from, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of hints packed into this two minute teaser. That being said, we know it’s difficult to catch them all at one.
So, we took some time to break down The Last Jedi trailer shot-by-shot, and pulled out every reference we could find.
Rey’s Training
This is the first Star Wars film that begins immediately after its predecessor ended. Rey is on the island with Luke, and he is training her in the way of the Force.
Bits of this training are featured in the beginning of this trailer, and she seems to beย struggling a little bit. You can hear Luke telling her to breathe.
You can see Reyย training at two other points in this trailer. First, she lifts rocks off the ground with the Force, showing she is harnessing her power. She’s also seen later in the trailer, in a wide shot of the island. The master and apprentice are working on some lightsaberย training on the edge of one of the cliffs.
It looks like Reyย is getting put through the ringer, but she’ll be better for it.

Help Me
A lot of the references in this trailer were hidden within the audio, but most people were too caught up in the stunning visuals to notice.
As Generealย Leia is seen standing over a map, you can hear one of her famous lines from A New Hope.ย
It’s very slight, but “Help me , Obi-Wan” whispers onto the screen.
This line was taken from her hologram in the first film, when she sent R2-D2 to relay a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Kylo Ren & The Dark Side
The next frame shows the shattered mask of Kylo Ren. While this is nothing exciting, the audio is what you need to focus on.
This is the second retroย voice-over, and you can hear the voice of Alec Guinness over the shot. He says his famous line to Luke, warning him about the “power of the dark side.”
The warning definitely pairs well with the thought of Kyloย Ren.

Yoda’s Turn
This scene provided the third, and final, use of audio from the original trilogy.
As a book shelf is seen, and the shot changed to a gloved hand examining one of the Jedi texts (possibly the Journal Of The Whills), you can hear Yoda in the background. He states, “It surrounds us, binds us.” He is, of course, referring to the Force.
This scene is also interesting because it shows where some of the Jedi’s rich history is kept. Luke has been studying this history for some time now, and he could be taking Reyย here to show her as well.

Crait, Speeders, & “Gorilla” Walkers
As Rian Johnson confirmed this morning, the speeders in this scene were flying across the sands of the mining planet, Crait. These mines were said to have provided resources to the Rebellion in the original trilogy. This is where a major showdown between the resistance and the First Order is said to take place.
The speeders here are new, and not a part of the original canon.
The biggest thing to notice here, are the walkers that can be seen in the distance. It looks as though the speeders are going into battle against a group of AT-ATs.
However, many are stating that these machines are the rumored “Gorilla Walkers” that were created for this film. These rumors also state the walkers are called AT-4Xs.

An Ominous Conversation
Throughout the entire trailer, Luke and Rey are having a conversation that takes place during her training. He is having his new apprentice explore the Force, and her findings are a bit too much for her to handle. When you string the whole thing together, is sounds quite ominous.
Luke: Breathe. Just breathe. Now, reach out. What do you see?
Rey: Light. Darkness. The balance…
*Luke: It’s so much bigger.*
Luke: I only know one truth – It’s time for the Jedi to end.
The line about being so much bigger sounds like Luke, but it’s not 100%. The rest however, are definitely the two characters.
Reyย is exploring the Force, and she’s seeing both sides. When she mentions the balance, its difficult to know where she’s coming from. It could mean that she can see a balance in the end, or it could mean that she’s noticing how closely related the two sides actually are.
