Dandadan Pays a Musical Homage to the Best Scene So Far
Dandadan‘s 11th episode features a glaring Easter egg to one of the show’s best scenes.
Dandadan Just Introduced the Most Annoying Character So Far (& Fans Love It)
Dandadan Episode 11 introduces the show’s most energetic (and annoying) character yet.
Dandadan’s Love Triangle Raises the Stakes With a Returning Love Interest
Dandadan’s latest anime episode is now flipping the script on the series’ love triangle.
Dandadan Details The Alien/Demon War Rocking The Anime’s World (And What It Means For The Future)
DandaDan’s latest breaks down the war between the Yokai and the Extraterrestrials.
Dandadan Makes Hilarious ’80s Jingle Reference
Dandadan quickly became a fan favorite and now it has a direct connection to one of the most well-known anime of all time, One Piece involving an 80s Japanese energy drink.
Dandadan Readers Warned Us About Controversial Episode 9 (We Should Have Listened)
Did Dandadan‘s latest episode go too far?
Dandadan Doesn’t Buckle to Censorship With Controversial Anime Scene
Dandadan is no stranger to controversy at this point, with one moment surprising fans bypassing seemingly any censorship.
Dandadan’s New Preview Teases The Anime’s New Transformations
Aira is the new Acrobat Silky and Dandadan’s aliens better watch themselves.
Dandadan Unleashes Aira’s New Transformation (And Gives Her The Perfect Villains To Fight)
Aira utilizes the power of Acrobat Silkey to introduce a new transformation to this fall’s biggest anime.
Dandadan Preview Picks Up The Pieces After Anime’s Tragic Backstory (And Why It’s a Must Watch)
Dandadan’s eighth episode is going to be quite the departure from the tragic background of Acrobat Silky.