The Walking Dead

‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Recap With Spoilers: Episode 3×13

Alicia stands among the terrified survivors in the Ranch’s pantry. She tries to think of a plan. […]

Alicia stands among the terrified survivors in the Ranch’s pantry. She tries to think of a plan. Finally acting, she focuses on her breathe and grabs some supplies, handing them out to the people inside. People call out for air conditioning, one man is looking for his wife. She is trying to comfort people but it’s not going to be very effective. While going through boxes, she sees a man examining a bite on his side.

Ofelia calls out for Alicia, revealing a problem: there is no air coming through the vents. The man tells the group this pantry is sealed and there will be no air coming through if not through this vent.

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The Fear the Walking Dead logo takes the screen.

Meanwhile, Nick prepares to help the people trapped in the pantry while Troy whines.

Back in the pantry, Alicia writes down a plan while others debate how long they’ll last. “We have maybe two hours before the carbon dioxide kills us,” Alicia tells everyone. Ofelia decides it is time to move, claiming there are no other options. Alicia offers a solution which will buy some time. “Fewer people, less carbon dioxide,” Alicia said. They want to put down those who were bitten but debate how they can. Alicia insists people will riot or kill them if they try to put them down but Mad Dog is eager to execute them.

Alicia moves to the center of the room and calls for everyone’s attention. She gives a speech, revealing the vent is broken and they’re running out of air. Her solution is for the bitten to come forward. No one does. Mad Dog pulls his gun out to “do it the hard way” but a man stops him and reveals he has been bitten. This prompts others to join him. One man leaves his mother, a young woman follows, then more people stand to sacrifice themselves.


Nick wants to come up with a plan to rescue everyone. Troy wants to drive right through the dead but Nick insists there are too many. They will work around them.

In the pantry, Alicia’s group prepares to execute the bitten.ย They are prepared to offer a painkiller which will knock everyone out. They are curious about how they’ll be killed, seeing as there is not enough painkiller. They begin to question whether or not this is what they want to do but one woman insists this will be the easiest way to go. A member of the Nation stands up first.

Alicia escorts him to another room. He lays down and Alicia injects him with the morphine. He falls asleep and the other man puts him on his side so Alicia can use her knife to stab him in the head.ย 

A moment later, Alicia emerges from the room, knife in hand, breathing heavily. She has a panic attack. One woman comes to join her, and hand her the knife she dropped. “Here,” she said. “I know it’s hell. But those people have done their part. You need to do yours. They need you. They need you because you’re strong. Don’t break on them now.”


Troy and Nick have stopped the truck. Troy plans to create a scene to draw the infected away. Nick steps out with his grenade launcher, firing a shot into the horde. The explosion claims a few and sends the rest walking toward it. Nick hops in the truck and Troy punches the gas. He plows through infecred and laughs. Nick is having a harder time. The truck rams into an RV and is quickly surrounded. Nick and try fight their way out with a gun and a machete. They make their way to helicopter and close the doors, having narrowly made it. Troy is loving it and Nick finally shares a smile.ย 

Back in the pantry, Alicia sits with the bitten man near what has become a pile of bodies. He is ready to go and asks her to help him. She injects him with the morphine. He begins to break down and apologizes. Alicia tells him “It’s gonna be okay” and completes the injection.

In the rest of the pantry, everyone watches Alicia emerge from the room.ย 

In the ventilation shaft, Ofelia and Mad Dog continue their journey. They come upon a drop. They maneuver themselves to turn around in order to drop down feet first. Mad Dog finds himself trapped and gets frustrated. He begins kicking the shaft and trying to move around but it’s not working. Ofelia insists he will hyperventilate if he doesn’t calm down.

Alicia is sitting with a woman in the pantry. This woman’s husband was in the first tower to fall on September 11, 2001. She tried to call him, hoping to have a chance at hearing him again. “Even when you’re hopeless, hope is all you have,” she said. “You’ve given us a few precious hours. There’s no shame in that. I met my second husband in a support group for the families. Jerry was a paramedic. First responder. God, he used to make me laugh. They have to make you laugh. I mean, good sex and all that, sure, but if they’re not funny,ย forget it.” Alicia asks what brought her to the Ranch. Her second husband believed the Towers falling was the beginning of the end of the world and the Ranch was the perfect fit. Alicia tells her she was right but this woman insists they weren’t, instead they were hiding from the world in its final days. “Promise me, you’ll never make decision based on fear,” she requests.


Mad Dog and Alicia sit together in the shaft. He apologizes for losing his cool. PTSD hadn’t struck him in a while. Ofelia can understand a bit, seeing as her father has fought in wars and she’s seen him in the aftermath. Mad Dog, however, has had episodes in front of his son and he can’t forget it, nor can he accept the fact that he wasn’t there to save his son when the world fell. Ofelia asks if he is ready to push on.ย 

Alicia continues her conversation with the woman. They are running through their sweetest memories. One story sticks out for Alicia, a concert at a camp, where she was supposed to sing, “This Land Is Your Land.” The music started and she froze. “I can’t remember a single word,” she said. “I’m standing there staring out at the audiences when I see Nick’s face looking at me in horror like he’s living it with me or something so he runs up on stage but then he forgets everything, too. So, he just starts blasting, ‘This land is your land! This land is your land!’ over and over! After like the twentieth time, he takes this giant bow, and everyone applauds. It was a standing ovation. Everybody loved Nick.”

The woman asks if Alicia is close with Nick. “When we were kids,” Alicia replies. “It changed. I really looked up to him when I was young. More than anyone. More than my dad even.” She is starting to drift off when she catches herself and notices that the woman has fallen asleep. Around them, more and more people have passed out. Some are moving, resembling the infected. Alicia gets to her feet but is unsteady.


In the helicopter, Nick and Troy are completely surrounded. Nick starts trying to activate the rotors. Troy helps him and the rear rotor slices up a few walkers before turning off. Troy insists this is where they will die.

In the pantry, Alicia is faintly humming “This Land Is Your Land” as she observes the people unconscious around her. She sees a woman huddled over one man and approaches only to find it is a walker. She gets her knife and fights the woman off of her. They eventually fall to the ground and Alicia is able to jamย the knife into her face. After the walker is dead, Alicia lays down with it on top of her as others begin to rise again.

In the ventilation shaft, Ofelia and Mad Dog continue on their way. They find a walker stuck in the fan, hanging upside down, but they’re running out of breathe. They approach the walker and it falls on them. Ofelia panics for a momentย but gets her gun and shoots it. The noiseย aggravates her sense in the tight space but it fades for her to begin climbing out.

In the pantry, Alicia awakens only to see that she will have to fight her way out. She finds Christine and tries to drag her out. She drops Christine and heads to armory. Now armed, she takes out as many walkers as she can.ย 

In the helicopter, Troy offers Nick one bullet. Either of them can use it to die. Then, they see a massive explosion.

Inside, Alicia continues to fight her way out but is completely surrounded by walkers. Suddenly, bullets take them out. Madison has returned with help and rescues her. Alicia wants to help Christine but realizes she can’t, so she stabs her in the head.ย ย 


Alicia sleeps in the water truck as the rest of the group talks. Madison insists “It could’ve worked,” but now they’ll head to the dam. She gives a look to Troy.

Madison approaches Ofelia, who is sitting with Qaletaca. She tells Ofelia that her father is alive and is desperate to see her. Ofelia breaks down. “I can’t,” she said. Madison insists, though, they have to move.

A wider shot reveals they have already abandoned the Ranch area and are in a desert. The group huddles and prepares to move on. Alicia asks Nick about Jake, only to learn he didn’t make it. She asks, “How?”ย 

“He got bit,” Troy injects. “I put him down.” Nick doesn’t add to it.ย 

“Where did the horde come from?” Alicia asks.

Nick covers for him. “Troy saw it coming,” Nick said. “Came to warn us but it was too late.”

Madison tells Alicia they’re going to head to the dam but Alicia insists that there are no places that are safe no matter what everyone is saying. Strand insists it is the best they’re going to get. The group gets ready to go but Alicia says she is not going, nor is she in shock. “I’m seeing things more clearly now than I ever have,” Alicia said. “We die as quickly together as we do apart.” She wants to find a way to live for herself and she can’t do that running in fear or with the group. She is not going to get on the truck. Instead, she will go where Jake showed her.

Moments later, Alicia is driving off on her own. Nick volunteers to follow Alicia and meet them back at the dam. Madison tells him to take Troy.

Everyone heads off in their own directions. In the distance, Broke Jaw Ranch is burning to the ground.ย