The Walking Dead

‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Recap With Spoilers: The Diviner

Nick awakens in his hot box and sees Troy approaching. He looks like a walker but rolls toward him […]

Nick awakens in his hot box and sees Troy approaching. He looks like a walker but rolls toward him and jokes with him. He gets close and starts talking to him about how hard it is to be in this box. They discuss Jeremiah’s death again and Nick insists he saved Troy. He asks Jake to “Please, open it,” and after toying with him he pulls out a key. “I owe you,” he said. Troy finally opens the door. He kneels down and offers his hand to Nick. Nick reaches forward but realizes it was an hallucination. He is still locked in the box.

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Elsewhere, Walker and Madison discuss the water shortage.

Later, Walker and Madison reveal a plan to distribute less water to people to preserve it. The rations will be two gallons per person per day. Jake doesn’t seem happy. “There’s only about six weeks worth of water left,” Madison tells Alicia, asking her not to tell anyone about it at the Ranch. “You’ve always been the strong one.” Alicia now has a radio.

Madison goes to Nick’s box and gives him water. She drops the bottle inside. Nick is unresponsive. She doesn’t want to leave in search of water with Walker until she knows Nick is okay. She walks to the truck and leaves with Walker.

The Fear the Walking Dead logo takes the screen.


Later, a man frees Nick from the box and offers him water. Nick drinks it. His hands are tied together. He eventually falls down to the ground but is ordered to sit up to be cut free. Alicia rushes over to him and helps him back inside.

Nick starts chugging water and Alicia orders him to slow down, informing him of the rations. She puts salt on the table and tells him to put it in the water.

Elsewhere, the community is ganging up on Jake for rationing the water. Alicia orders everyone to either put up with it or leave because what’s outside is definitely worse. “Trust him,” she insists of Jake.ย 

Later, Madison and Alicia communicate by radio and learn they’re both still okay. Madison is camped out with Walker. He has prepared a fire. “You stand between your children and the sun,” he tells her. He does not have kids, though, only three dogs. “Bruce, one of my dogs is dead now, got into a fight with a big dog. I stuck my hand in to save him and he bit me. Only time he ever did,” he explains.

“Wow, I see things in a whole new light now,” Madison responds. “Thanks for that!”


Nick is approached by the militia. He gets the drop on one and holds a knife to him. They’re not here to hurt him, though. They came to thank him for what he did with Troy and tell him how much their fight against Walker meant. They are ready to fight Walker’s group. Nick tries to stall and suggests keeping a low profile. They brought him a gun, to answer his, “We don’t have guns,” claim. It’s the only free gun on the Ranch. They want to talk more tomorrow.

The next day, the community gets water from the well. Ofelia tries to help a little girl but the girl swats it from her hand.ย 

A militia man stands with Nick and claims the tribe is double dipping on the water.

Walker and Madison drive past some survivors who stand near bodies. They drive past and proceed to the Bazar. Walker has taken some precautions. At a gate, they are ordered to surrender their weapons. This market offers water for trade if they can get inside. Madison’s walker gets her inside the Bazarย for two days.ย 

Inside, people are trading and living. It’s the center of a stadium which has become a marketplace. Security lingers, heavily armed, at every corner. A motorcycle is being auctioned off. People solicit their products and one man gets a tattoo of eyes on his eyelids. Blood runs down his face.

At the Ranch, Alicia questions the man outside of Ofelia’s house. Ofelia comes to talk. “I heard some of your people were getting water twice,” Alicia said. “I’m just trying to keep the peace.” Ofelia asks for proof but Alicia suggests a system. Ofelia insists no one from the Nation went through the water line twice. Ofelia is said she heard the militia is rebuilding but Alicia denies such a statement. Ofelia orders her to control her own people.

Meanwhile, the militia discusses their desire to take back the land. Nick is trying to stall everyone and suggests waiting as to avoid ending up like Troy. He leaves and goes to his room.

In their place, Alicia calls Nick out for having a gun. He tells her the people are backed into a corner, enough to get themselves killed, and they’re looking to him for guidance. He smokes a cigarette during the conversation. “What happens when they find out what you and mom did?” Alicia asks Nick. “The second she called Otto’s death a suicide, I knew, it wasn’t mom. I was upset I wasn’t a part of it… How s—ty is that? But then I felt relieved because what a burden it is being mom’s favorite.”

“I didn’t do it for her,” Nick said. She questions the statement. “We’re alive.”ย 

“We keep trying to make her love us,” Alicia said. “It’s broken.”

Later, Nick has fallen asleep and Alicia is on the radio searching for her mother. There is no answer.


At the Bazar, Madison and Walker approach Maria Lou and request 10,000 gallons of water. She can offer half of that but wants to know what they’ll spend. Walker hands over a tube full of silver coins and insists there are a dozen more where it came from.

Madison sees a man wrestling with people. Madison realizes it is Strand rushes to his aid. This makes the woman call off the deal with Walker. Madison uses a shovel to start a fight and free Strand. The men end up getting the upper hand but Walker comes to their rescue. Strand gets them to a safe place.ย 

Strand starts trying to smooth things over with flattering words to Walker. He is trapped here until his debts are paid. He reveals the dam’s existence and tells Walker there is a good reason he has survived this far.ย 

The next day, Alicia catches a woman doubling up on water and insists she put it back. A fight almost breaks out but Alicia order everyone listen. “We only have six weeks of water left! If we don’t work together we will run out and we will die! It is that simple, so, please stop,” Alicia yelled out. Chaos follows as people fight over the water.

A member of the Nation fires his gun in the air and orders everyone back away from the well. They will take it to make sure everyone gets what they need. Nick stands in the man’s way. Ofelia is ready to take the well, too. Nick, however, draws his gun. Ofelia is shocked. Nick sits on the well with his gun and the Ranch’s original residents form beside him in support. Ofelia orders her man to stand down for now. “I’ll keep the peace,” he said. “Not at all costs. Got that?” The Nation walks away together.ย 


At the Bazar, Walker has gone undercover. He is covered up and spying on Maria Lou.

Madison wakes up in Strand’sย place. He gives her water and sits beside her. He asks about him then about Nick. Madison reveals she found him before telling him Alicia is north. “My children are alive,” Madison said. Strand is relieved. He embraces Madison.

“You found Nick, lost Travis… God’s a feckless thug,” Strand said.ย 

Walker is escorted into the spot by the two men searching for Strand.

Later, as Madison is being kicked out, she wants to know what Strand has to do to pay his debt to the Proctor. He has to move bodies. “Go back to your children, Madison. You’re wasting time here,” he tells her. “This is everywhere.”ย 

“The whole world is lost,” Strand tells her. “My mother named me Victor because she knew I’d always win. I’ll be fine.”

Strand is escorted out with the rest of the prisoners. “Don’t worry your pretty blonde head,” he tells her.

Back at the Ranch, people are trying to take all the water they can and prepare themselves. Nick is getting a cold shoulder from the militia. He sees Alicia standing guard at the top of the Ranch with binoculars and her radio.ย 

In the distance, Alicia sees a woman carrying to wooden sticks.ย 


Madison sits at a bar at the Bazar. Walker approaches and tells her he repaired the water deal. They will have the water for their community and their children.

Nick stands in a house with the militia. They’re preparing spears and knives. He tells them they are outmatched and to fortify would be a waste of energy. “If we can get their guns, then this back and forth, eye for an eye bulls— ends. Disarm them and there’s no blood,” Nick said.

“Or there’s a lot of blood,” one man responds.ย 

Outside the stadium, Strand is escorted to the gate. A man shoots down an infected and uses its chain to keep Victor on the post. He removes Victor’s handcuffs and leaves him there with a pipe for a weapon. Strand will have to spend the night here defending the location.ย 

The next day, Walker presents his payment to Maria Lou. The tubes are empty, though.

Meanwhile Strand has become surrounded, He uses a hammer to take them down. He is surrounded just as Madison and the men who put him out there gun down the undead and help him up. “Your debt is paid,” Madison tells him.

Walker waits at the truck, furious. Madison defends her move by calling Victor’s dam a permanent solution.ย 

In a field, Nick’s militia creeps toward Ofelia’s house. They have spears and a bow. One man sees Alicia working with the Nation. Ofelia can see them from inside. She wants to try and talk with them but the men of the Nation it isย it is time to start shooting. Nick hands over his gun to the man beside him and walks off on his own to his sister. Ofelia and her squad look on before joining them.

Alicia shoveling dirt and has now filled a bucket. She hands it off and realizes she is handing it to Nick. Ofelia’s group arrives just before the militia does. They all join in on digging for water.ย