Among the characters set to develop new and deeper relationships in the upcoming batch of episodes from The Walking Dead will be Morgan Jones and Carol Peletier.
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While visiting the set of The Walking Dead‘s 100th episode, caught up with Morgan actor Lennie James for some insider perspective of what’s next for one of the five remaining Atlanta-based survivors. As it turns out, he will engage in a new relationship with fellow Atlanta-native Carol Peletier when the show returns, furthering what started late in Season Seven.
“I love what goes on between Morgan and Carol,” James said. “I love the fact that this show can do that with two characters who have been around forever but don’t know each other, and their introduction to each other could be that complicated. And not just kind of, you know, ‘Hello, hello. Let’s go to bed,’ which most things are. By the time that you’ve got from the ground floor to the 18th floor people are all over each other.”
A romance between Morgan and Carol, however, won’t be the case at all.
“That’s not what’s going on between Morgan and Carol,” James continued. “It’s not even a romantic relationship, it’s a birth of a friendship. And it’s a birth of two people who recognize in each other, not just the pain of the past, but the potential of who they could be in the future. I think it’s one of the saving graces for Morgan is that he’s able to form that relationship.”
Of course, as noted, Morgan and Carol both started their journey in Atlanta, Georgia in the world of The Walking Dead. James points out that while they are similar in the path and experiences now, this was probably the case prior to the world collapsing as well.
“There is the possibility that before all of this happened Morgan and Carol could have crossed paths,” James said. “They lived in kind of the same world, to a certain extent. You know, they defined themselves by who they were married to, and who they were bringing up. And that was their place in the world. Morgan’s place in the world was that he was Duane’s father, and he was Jenny’s husband. And he was desperate to be good at both of those jobs. And Carol’s role in the world was, yeah, she had an abusive husband, but she took that abuse in order to protect and rear her daughter and she wanted to be good at that.”
“They’ve both had massive transformations from who they were,” James added. “You know, they both now, in different degrees, are masters of very different arts, as it were. I think, again, at one point Morgan, I think when he’s talking to Richard and he says of Carol that she’s the biggest warrior, best warrior you’re ever going to come across. And that’s amazing, considering where she started at.”
Thursday’s episode of ComicBook NOW took fans to the set of The Walking Dead with exclusive cast and crew interviews. To watch, click here!
The Walking Dead‘s sibling series Fear the Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9 pm ET on AMC. The Walking Dead will return for its eighth season on October 22, 2017. The Season Eight premiere will mark 100 episodes overall for the popular AMC series. For complete coverage and insider info all season long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.