The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: 5 Predictions For New Best Friends

The Walking Dead returned last week, and the episode definitely gave fans the kind of episode […]

The Walking Dead returned last week, and the episode definitely gave fans the kind of episode they’ve been waiting for.

Rick rallied the troops, and once again became the leader he’s always been known to be. He even managed to make his long-awaited introduction to King Ezekiel.

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In addition to having Old Rick back, fans were treated to everything they’ve come to love about The Walking Dead. There were surprise twists, cliffhangers, intense zombie kills, and even a new group.

How will The Walking Dead follow that up? Hopefully, with another epic episode. Here’s our five predictions on what to expect from ‘New Best Friends’.

Rick Makes A Deal

While Rick wasn’t able to reach an agreement with King Ezekiel, he did manage to find a new group in the junkyard.

With Rick smiling at the end of the episode, it was implied that he’d finally found his army, and would be ready to take on Negan.

Look for the leader to make a deal this week, and solidify his relationship with this new ally.

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Daryl And Carol

It’s been too long since Daryl and Carol have been together, and fans are shipping them harder than ever.ย 

Now that they’re in the same place, look for the pair to finally re-connect. Yes, Carol wants to be left alone, but Daryl is a persistent tracker.

There’s no way the guy spends much time in The Kingdom without finding his woman.

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(Photo: AMC)


Richard Dies

Poor Richard, we hardly knew you.

Something is going to need to happen for King Ezekiel to realize that Rick was right about Neganย and the Saviors. Losing his right hand man could be just the push he needs.

If Richard gets killed by one of Negan’sย man, Ezekiel wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate. It’s what Richard would have wanted.

Besides, if you remember Richard’s interactions with the Saviors earlier this season, the writing is on the wall.

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Rick Gets Injured

Making a deal won’t come without sacrifice, and Rick is going to have to be the one to prove himself to this dangerous new group.

Rick may be back in power, but fans will need to be reminded that he isn’t immortal. Something could easily happen to him this week, but it won’t keep him from going to war.

Could this be the episode when Rick finally loses his hand?

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Carol Finds Out

Carol is the last remaining character that doesn’t know about Glenn and Abraham. If she and Daryl are in the same room for a bit, this would be the time to tell her.

There’s no telling how Carol will react to the news, but it could set her back on the warpath. If you’ve missed the “Old Carol”, now is the time when we could all see her return to form.

What do you think will happen on this week’s episode of The Walking Dead? Let us know in the comments below!

(Photo: Gene Page/AMC)
