The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Bury Me Here

Dianne opens a trunk and Jerry and others prepare a drop. They put one cantaloupe in it as Richard […]

Dianne opens a trunk and Jerry and others prepare a drop. They put one cantaloupe in it as Richard looks on displeased as King Ezekiel orders the doors be closed.

The opening credits play.

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Carol wakes up. She sounds like she is having nightmares. She lights an oil lamp and lays in bed, stressed. She tries to calm herself with a cigarette as tears roll down her face. She wipes and gets out of bed, frustrated.

At the Kingdom, Morgan trains a young boy. The little boy doesn’t want to go back to bed. He wants to train to fight his brother and win. His brother is Benjamin, who was looking on.

At Carol’s house, she heads out, unlocking the gate on her way. Down the street, she sees walkers. In her travels, she knocks walkers down but doesn’t necessarily kill them. Not long after, she arrives at the Kingdom and uses a sign to make noise and draw them to a nearby tree where she stabs them in the head from a safe distance. Kingdom soldiers open the gate and she quickly marches past them in inside. She wants to speak to Morgan, quickly.

MORE FROM BURY ME HERE: How Benjamin’s Death Is Important / How Richard’s Death Launches The War / Melissa McBride Wants A Rick/Carol Reunion / Lennie James On Morgan And Rick Going Forward / Will Carol Kill Negan? / Why Carol Does Not Blame Daryl For Lying

In Morgan’s room, Carol asks him why Jesus brought Daryl and others to the Kingdom. He says he wanted to see if everyone could start working together. Carol asks if it’s true that Alexandria made a deal with the Saviors. He says, “You need to talk to Daryl about that.” He tells Carol that he kept her secret from everybody and Daryl didn’t find him because of her. He insists their conversation is between them. He is willing to go to Alexandria with Carol if she wants to talk to them and insists she shouldn’t go alone. “You found what you wanted, right? You got away from everyone,” Morgan says. She doesn’t indicate that that was what she wanted. He offers to leave for Alexandria, “Right now,” but she leaves on her own.

Benjamin offers to go with her and skip today’s drop, eager to learn from her, but she denies him the opportunity.

On her way back, Carol sees the walker she didn’t kill, now dead. There is no one around, though. Except someone who is watching her.

Richard comes around a corner and finds a backpack labeled, “Katy,” and buries it.

King Ezekiel looks over his Kingdom with Shiva by his side. A scared resident doesn’t want to get any closer but she tells him they have a little problem which could turn to a big problem. The plants are infected and will need to be cut and burnt. “Do what must be done,” he tells her. She assures him, that if you burn it and throw it all away, it can all grow back. Shiva roars and the woman says, “I think I just pissed myself,” before leaving. Daniel leaves with some of the infected fruit as Ezekiel looks on.

Benjamin speaks with Morgan and thanks him for the book. “Danger to an opponent is danger to ones self,” he says. He presents Morgan with some art work. He found it in a restaurant. Morgan is grateful.

The Kingdom soldiers prepare for a drop. Richard and Morgan look at Benjamin with his brother, with Richard proclaiming he is too young to be a father. Before the apocalypse, Richard says he had the perfect life. Morgan had the same thing. Richard apologizes for how things have been between them. “The day is coming when you can’t be that good. When that happens, don’t beat yourself up about it,” Richard says, advocating killing to Morgan. Ezekiel summons Benjamin and they all head out. Morgan asks Benjamin about a girl he is interested in at the Kingdom as the head out.

Out in the streets, Richard advises everyone to stay down and get their guns up when they see the road is blocked. He quickly gets out with his gun drawn to see a row of shopping carts that spans the entire street. Everyone else gets out and begins to investigate. Richard leads the squad and tells everyone to close around the King. He will cover everyone. Richard orders Benjamin to get his gun up. They discover a grave with a sign labeled, “Bury Me Here.” Ezekiel speaks of how this world drives one mad. “It is mere luck we are not all insane,” he says. Benjamin says it isn’t luck. This world drives people crazy but Ezekiel made another world.

At the drop location, with Richmond in the background, the Kingdom meets with the Saviors. Jerry tells them not to interupt the king and is struck with a pole in return. Gavin says things have been unnecessarily tense and asks for today’s offering. He goes to the truck and sees the melons. Now, he also wants the guns. Everyone draws their weapons and there is a standoff. Gavin says give up the guns or try to use them, prompting a decision. Richard advises to give them over, which Jared mocks, offering to shove Morgan’s stick down Richard’s throat. Ezekiel wants Morgan to get his stick back before they hand over the guns. Gavin insists they understand the gravity. Ezekiel is reluctant. Morgan insists it is fine. Ezekiel orders them to hand over their guns.

After taking the guns, Gavin says things are about to get emotional. He says they are one short with melons and orders Ezekiel to count them. He insists he counted them and this is impossible. Gavin says, “It’s happening now and the problems have to end now.” They are going to teach Ezekiel the stakes. Gavin says now is the only time that matters and insists Ezekiel didn’t hold up his side of the bargain. Jared asks Gavin if they’re going to deal with this “right now” and puts a gun to Richard’s head. Richard is ready to go but Jared turns and shoots Benjamin in the leg.

Gavin orders everyone to get in the truck and gives Ezekiel a speech about fulfilling his orders. Morgan insists they leave immediately. The man is taking time which the Kingdom needs to care for Benjamin. Richard stays behind as they rush him into the truck. His eyes are watering and he is shaken up.

Carol hears a truck driving approaching quickly. The Kingdom men rush in and try to help care for Benjamin who is now pale and terrified. Ezekiel is at his side. Richard is sad to see Benjamin go, feeling guilt. Benjamin’s life fades away from him.

Later, Ezekiel apologizes to Carol for coming here. Morgan wipes a blade and rushes out.

Morgan goes back to the grave which says, “Bury M e Here,” and has flashbacks to when he was crazy, images of his wife, the clear signs, his son Duane, and everything that has lead him to this moment. In his rage, after almost killing himself, he finds the melon on the ground, realizing Richard took it from the truck.

Later, in Richard’s room, Morgan barges in. Richard quickly confesses and says he thought they would kill him. “We’ve done nothing to stop them,” he said. Morgan is livid. Richard reflects on the world before the end. He tells Morgan about how he lost his wife in a fight and a fire. After three days of running with no food or sleep, he lost his little girl, too. He thinks he lost her because he didn’t do something, because he waited. “Listen to me, please. Just listen. We can use what’s happened. We can show the Saviors that we get it. We understand what we need to do. We know how to go on. They need to believe us. We have to do something to make them believe us. And then, when we gain their trust back, we kill them. End them. We join with Alexandria and the Hilltop and we crush them in one fell swoop. But this is it, Morgan. You have to kill.”

Richard turns to telling Morgan he might as well kill himself if he’s not going to fight. He insists someone had to die and he tried to be the one. Now, he’ll be the one to lead their army. He will talk to Ezekiel and admit what he did and live the rest of his life making up for it.

Later, Morgan sits in his room with a candle under the art Benjamin gave to him.

Ezekiel comforts Benjamin’s little brother.

Morgan sits in candlelight, deep in thought.

The next day, Ezekiel watches people clear out the plants in his garden. They put one melon in the truck for a delivery to the Saviors. At the drop spot, the soldiers prepare to deliver the missing melon. Morgan asks Richard if he told them about Benjamin. Richard wants to wait. Ezekiel wants to talk now. Morgan looks at the blood on the ground and collects the sticks which were left there.

The Saviors pull up. Morgan is armed with two sticks. Gavin asks how Benjamin is doing and no one answers. He actually shows a touch of remorse and sends Jared walking back to the Sanctuary on his own and if he says one word he will kill him. Jared walks off and Gavin asks for the melon. Richard delivers it. When Richard starts back to the truck, Morgan snaps and beats him with the stick then chokes him to death in front of everyone. He starts bashing his skull on the ground. Everyone looks on, shocked. Ezekiel looks broken. Morgan rises up, blood on his face, and tells everyone that Richard “set it all up.”

“He blocked the road yesterday,” Morgan said. “It was all him. We had your offering when we left. Had it all. He took one from the cargo and he hid it when we stopped. He wanted to get something started between the Kingdom and the Saviors.”

“Hey,” Morgan says to Gavin. “I wanted to show you that we get it. That we understand what it is that we need to do.” He is building the Saviors’ trust. “Next week, same time,” Gavin responds. Morgan insists they understand.

The Saviors leave and Ezekiel looks on at Richard’s body, shocked that Richard could do this.

Richard tells Ezekiel about his son having to die because of choices. He meant to say Benjamin. Ezekiel wants Morgan to come back to the Kingdom and Morgan insists on being alone, now. He sends them on their way, without him. As Ezekiel leaves, Morgan stabs Richard in the head.

Later, Morgan drags Richard to the grave he dug. While burying him, he finds Katy’s backpack. He looks at it before burying it, too.

In the streets, Morgan dispatches walkers. He goes on a warpath and ends up covered in blood.

He arrives at Carol’s house, knocks on the door, and asks Carol if she wants to know what happened at Alexandria. She asks what happened to him and he tells her, “Killed Richard. I strangled him. He’s the one who got Benjamin killed, so…”

After being asked again, Carol wants to hear what happened in Alexandria. “Negan killed Glenn and Abraham. Beat them to death with a baseball bat,” he tells her

“Everything they do is for the Saviors now,” Morgan said. “He killed more. Killed Spencer. Olivia. Jesus brought Rick and the rest here because Rick wants to fight him. You wanted to know. Now you do.” Morgan is cold in his delivery. She asks where he is going and says he’s going to kill them one by one.

Carol urges Morgan to stay with her, saying “Please” a couple of times.

Later, Carol heads to the Kingdom by herself with all of her bags. Ezekiel is gardening with Benjamin’s younger brother, where Carol approaches him. “I’m sorry,” she says to him. “I’m gonna be here now. We have to get ready. We have to fight.”

King Ezekiel agrees. “We do. But not today.”

He walks away and continues to plant with the little boy. She walks over and joins them.

Back at Carol’s house, Morgan sharpens his stick. He looks back as if he heard something and then continues.