The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Hostiles And Calamities

Fat Joey’s sandwich lay on the ground beside him and his smashed head as Saviors observe the body. […]

Fat Joey’s sandwich lay on the ground beside him and his smashed head as Saviors observe the body. Dwight sees him just before hearing Negan is heard pulling up. Dwight runs to Daryl’s cell, frantically, to find him but it’s empty. Outside, Saviors escort Eugene out of a truck with a bag over his head. Negan is happy to see him. Dwight searches te Sanctuary and finds him room raided with Daryl’s jumpsuit on the floor. Eugene is escorted through the compound, terrified. He begs for mercy before being shown a bedroom by Laura. She says “welcome home, haircut,” as she cuts the ties on his arm. He slowly looks around, starting with books, and Laura tells him there are more at the library. She tells him Daryl didn’t get a chance to see it before escaping.

Dwight finds the “Go Now” note on the floor in Daryl’s cell.

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Eugene tells Laura he doesn’t know where Daryl went. She offers him food. Eugene asks for lobster. When that fails, he asks for canned pasta and tomato sauce. They have it but they’re out of pickles. Number 42 makes chips, though, but Eugene doesn’t like them from the kettle. She says she’ll be back in 10 and goes to get his food.

Eugene checks his fridge and finds it fully stocked with produce and drinks. He pressed a play on a stereo and “Easy Street” starts playing. Eugene starts bobbing his head.

Elsewhere, Dwight stares at the note which freed Daryl. Saviors bust in and start beating him as Negan looks on.

The opening credits for The Walking Dead play.

MORE WALKING DEAD: What Happens To Dwight In The Comics? / What Happens To Eugene In The Comics? / Who Dies In Hostiles And Calamities? / Austin Amelio Calls Season 7 Finale A Fulfilling Turning Point / Another X-Files Connection In TWD

Dwight is locked in Daryl’s cell. Negan talks to him from the outside. Negan says when he got back, he realized he was “short a wife.” Sherry is missing. Negan asks where she went and how it could be such a coincidence that she is gone at the same time Daryl is. Dwight insists it wasn’t Sherry who freed Daryl. Negan asks Dwight if he freed Daryl. “You were supposed to break him. Did he break you?” Negan asks. “You change your stripes on me, Dwighty?” Negan bangs on the door and startles Dwight. “After all this, before and after, hell, after everything… Who are you, Dwight?”

“I’m Negan,” Dwight says. Negan opens the door. Dwight is scared. He slowly rises to see Negan and Dr. Carson. Negan insists Daryl is either on his way home or coming back to the Sanctuary to try and kill more Saviors. Either way, they’ll find him. Dwight says he thinks he knows where Sherry went and is instructed to bring her back. “Fix what you can fix,” Negan tells the doctor.

As the doctor tends to Dwight’s injury, he wonders whether Sherry actually freed Daryl. The doctor tries to push Dwight to buy into Negan’s ways and says that the kind of person who would marry Negan to save her husband isn’t expected to be around, anymore.

Back in his room, Dwight is about to head out but grabs a hidden pack of cigarettes from a fish on the wall. One cigarette has lipstick on it. He heads out, with his reflection being shown in Fat Joey’s blood.

Inside the Sanctuary, Laura continues to show Eugene around. She even informs him of their barber and suggests he get a haircut. She is excited to show him that pickles are back in stock. She signs a jar out and hands it to Eugene. Outside, Eugene meets Negan who is observing the walkers on the wall. He insists Eugene not be rude. He holds his jar of pickles as he reluctantly shares his name. Negan asks the surrounding Saviors their names and they tell him “Negan.” Negan shows Eugene the bullet in Lucille. Instead of showing it to him very closely over and over again, he wants to know if Eugene knows things. “I am indeed a smarty pants,” Eugene says. He taught himself to make bullets. He reads a lot. Negan insists he is just “some a–hole.” Eugene says he is not. He tells Negan he has a Ph.D in biochemisty and microbiology, and he has completed his doctorate and insists he worked under Doctor T. Brooks Ellis, and uses the “fight fire with fire” line he did with Abraham and the others in Season 4. Negan points out that the zombies are surrounding the Sanctuary to protect it and wants to know how to keep them on their feet. He suggests smoldering metal to harden it around the walkers. Negan says it’s the coolest thing he’s ever heard in his life. “Does Rick have you doing this kind of valuable stuff for him?” Negan asks. “His loss, our gain.” Negan suggests a signing bonus and Eugene says, “I was gifted these pickles.” As a token of his gratitude, Negan is going to send some wives to Eugene’s room but says there will be no sex, although Eugene can enjoy their company over dinner. Eugene sincerely thanks Negan.

Later, Eugene plays video games with some of Negan’s wives. Amber is drinking heavily. Frankie suggests she take it easy. They’re bored with Yar’s Revenge and he suggests they play Warlord. Frankie insists this is Eugene’s night and offers a massage. He doesn’t accept and insists that they’re not here of their own volition and video games are his way of showing them a good time. They want to talk about the human genome project but Eugene shuts it down and says he is not liberty to discuss it and they wouldn’t understand it. He insists he is far smarter than the common man.

Moments later, Eugene goes outside with wives, equipped with ballons and ingredients to make a brain. Keno comes outside to see what’s going on and the wives insist they are fine. Eugene prepares one of his bombs by lighting a candle. He hums as he makes the ingredients and balloons explode.

The next day, Dwight enters his old house. He finds photos of himself and Sherry on the floor. “D, we always said that if we got separated, I should come back here and wait for you,” Sherry says in a memory in Dwight’s mind. He continues to search the house as Sherry talks. He finds a note in the sink and compares the handwriting to the note which freed Daryl. They match. It turns out, he is reading a letter from Sherry. She doesn’t know if he would go with her or take her back to the Sanctuary. “I did what I did because I didn’t want you to die but now you’ve killed and you’ve become everything you didn’t want me to be.” She confesses to freeing Daryl. Dwight becomes emotional and collapses on the floor. “You’re wrong. Being there isn’t better than being dead. It’s worse. I hope you realize that and I hope you get away. I hope you remember the good days. Even just one of them.”

“I loved who you were. I’m sorry I made you into who you are,” Sherry concluded. Dwight pulls out Sherry’s cigarette and pours his wedding band from the carton, to sit it next to her rings in his hand, before putting them back in the carton. Moments later, he pulls out some beer.

Back at the Sanctuary, Eugene plays more video games as the wives approach. They tell Eugene they need his help. They point out that Amber just drinks and cries. Frankie explains that they chose to be Negan’s wives but Amber did it because she had to — her mom needed medication. Eugene wonders how they aren’t afforded mental health services. They reveal that Amber wants to commit suicide. He points out that if she dies in her sleep, she will come back as a walker within the Sanctuary. They plead for his help. Eugene ends up saying he is not a good man but won’t help Amber kill herself. They continue to persuade him, ultimately getting Eugene on board and he promises a pain-free death.

The next day, Eugene waits in line for supplies but ultimately cuts it. The woman insists Eugene gets back in the line but he turns around asks what her number is. He is number 16 and states his credentials, telling her she reports to directly to him. He takes the cold capsules, signs for them, and leaves, but not before grabbing a toilet set, a fly swatter, a stuffed animal, and medical suplies. He heads out with a grin. In his room, he prepares the drugs for Amber.

In Dr. Carson’s office, Dwight tells him he killed Sherry. “She ran away from me right into a mess of dead ones, so I made it quick,” he says. Carson insists people were cowards before being part of the Saviors. “We don’t get to have big hearts,” Carson says. “Remember that.”

Eugene is escorted through the Sanctuary by Laura. They’ve gathered to watch Negan and his iron. Negan enters the room and everyone rises. “You are gonna wanna pay close attention to this,” Negan says to Eugene before striking Carson with the bat. He found a note that said, “Goodbye, honey,” in Carson’s desk. It’s ripped from the note Dwight found. “You left the door open and let my puppy out,” Negan said. He insists Carson is a weasel. Carson says that Dwight is lying about Sherry’s story and death. Negan doesn’t buy it because Dwight knows he would die for lying. Dwight agrees before handing Negan the iron. Carson begs Negan not to burn him. Negan requests a confession from Carson, gets it, and relents on the iron. Negan looks to Eugene for a moment before tossing Carson entirely into the fire. The wives are terrified. “Good thing we got a spare Dr. Carson,” Negan says to Dwight about Eugene. Carson’s legs hang from the fire behind them.

Eugene plays games in his room later as the wives enter. They ask if he is alright. They ask if he made the pills. He did but won’t give them to him. He knows the pills are for Negan, not Amber. they reveal their true intentions and ask if Negan killed their friends. Eugene insists Negan will believe him over them just like he chose Dwight over the doctor, because they’re irreplaceable. They call him a coward before leaving and he tells them that is correct. Alone in his room, Eugene starts eating pickles until Negan knocks at the door. He walks in and says the wives had nothing but good things to say about him. Eugene tries to stonewall his emotions. “I ned you to understand something,” Negan said. “I do not make this invitation to everyone and I sure as s— do not make it lightly.” Eugene gets frightened as Negan approaches but Negan promises, “You do not need to be scared anymore.” He asks one question: “Who are you?” Eugene doesn’t hesitate to say, “I’m Negan.”

The next day, Eugene watches over the Saviors trying to put metal helmets on the walkers at the wall. Dwight stands beside him. Eugene apologizes for biting him, reintroduces himself, and says, “We’re Negan.”


The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 pm ET on AMC. For complete coverage and insider info all season long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.

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