The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Review Round-Up: The Show We Love Is Back

On the heels of a highly criticized eight episode run which rounded out 2016, The Walking Dead is […]

On the heels of a highly criticized eight episode run which rounded out 2016, The Walking Dead is under a lot of pressure to deliver enjoyable episodes with the back half of its seventh season.

The first half of the season has garnered harsh titles such as “torture porn” but the second half is looking to turn that around. If the midseason premiere which aired on Sunday night is any indication, the AMC series is on the right track.

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An episode which packed each fan-favorite character into its slightly extended runtime managed to maintain everyone’s attention while providing an outright enjoyable experience for viewers. Not to mention, it had the most epic zombie kill sequence of all time.

On the follow slides, we will explore some of the The Walking Dead episode 7×09 reactions from critics.

twd rick smiling


“‘Rock on the Road’ wasn’t the best episode of The Walking Dead everโ€”not even closeโ€”but it felt like more got accomplished last night than in the entirety of the first half of the season.And it was immensely satisfying to not only see Rick get things done, but do them for an objectively good cause, because it feels like it’s been quite a while since I felt good about what Rick’s choices. This is The Walking Dead I enjoy, and I’m glad it’s back. I am optimistic it will stay back, at least for the rest of season seven, after which I assume the Saviors/Everybody Else War will drag into a standstill.

“Now, ‘optimistic’ doesn’t mean ‘certain,’ and I fully admit I could be apologizing for being a dumbass as early as next week. But for the first time since Negan arrived on the scene, I have hope that things will get better. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Rick feels the same way.”

-Rob Bricken, io9


“The Walking Deadย midseason seven premiere means business, busying itself with not only ingratiating our characters with much of what they’ve been kept apart from for half a season now but tantalisingly book-ending it with an unforeseen turn of events involving a character you wouldn’t expect. It’s in this way that the show manages to keep you on your toes even when much of the episode is comprised of a story strand you’re not that fussed about.”

“It may be exciting to see our group collide with another altogether more mysterious one, but there’s no denying The Walking Dead is in danger of becoming top-heavy. Had Greg Nicotero opted to swoop the camera up to Rick’s concerned, devastated, ‘holy-shit-what-now?’ face before cutting to black, it may have seemed like rehashing previously trodden formula – however, Andrew Lincoln’s witty delivery of the least unexpected emotion of all – a smile – is a witty move. He’s become so obsessed with Negan’s comeuppance that he’s lost his fear. In that respect, Rick is not only back – he’s stronger than ever.

“Buckle up – the next seven episodes look to be quite the ride.”

-Jacob Stolworthy, Independent

A Disaster

“Watching Sunday night’s episode ofย The Walking Dead would have been painful if it hadn’t been so (unintentionally) funny. I can’t help but wonder if the show’s writers and producers are simply phoning it in at this point. Certainly many of the actors seem to be.

“Let me be blunt: This show has lost its way. Maybe it never found its way to begin with. Whatever the case, quality is on a steep decline across all categories. Acting, writing, plotting and so on and so forth. Only make-up and special effects seem to remain unscathed by the general decline eating away at the rest ofย The Walking Dead,ย as surely as any zombie rot.”

-Erik Kain, Forbes

About Time

“The people don’t look entirely friendly, but Rick still smiles; that’s a rarity for him, and as ridiculous a character as he often is, it’s a thrilling to see that grin. We’ll have to wait till next week to find out who these people are, and if Father Gabriel has anything to do with them, but after a clumsy beginning, ‘Rock In The Road’ finds the show moving forward in a big way. After the slog of the first half of the season, it’s about damn time.”

-Zack Handlen, A.V. Club

Moving Forward

“Rock in the Road,’ The Walking Dead‘s midseason premiere, may have thrown in a bit of manufactured zombie danger that almost got Rick and Michonne killed, but it came with some useful information about the herd (which had already been set up) and some explosive weaponry that’ll no doubt blow up a Savior or two down the line. Rick narrowly escaping also felt like a wake-up call for him, perhaps signaling that he’ll play things smarter going forward. Because we’ve now got our old Rick back, more or less – the guy who told Negan that he’d kill him someday. But we need that Rick without the “we got this” rage and cockiness of Season 6 Rick.

“Having Gregory and Ezekiel both refuse to help Rick seemed silly however since it’s just a matter of time before Gregory’s ignored and Ezekiel changes his mind. Because of this, certain elements here felt empty.”

-Matt Fowler, IGN

Back on Track

“‘Rock in the Road’ embraces multiple characters and multiple strands, all in the space of one episode. Like a proper narrative, y’know? Let’s just hope that splitting Daryl off from the rest of the group again isn’t a sign of the show reverting to bad habits.

“The mysterious disappearance of Father Gabriel is more agreeable. Not because there’s anything wrong with the character โ€“ in fact, his rapid character rehabilitation from meek annoyance to quirky bad-ass was one of the best aspects of the early part of this season โ€“ but because it lends the show a sense of intrigue that extends beyond just asking who’s going to die next?

“Could The Walking Dead still slip back into to unsatisfying, isolated episodes that play only to uber-fans, its characters frustratingly scattered? Of course it could. This wouldn’t be the first time the show’s delivered a terrific premiere or mid-season launch, only for the wheels to come off later down the line.

“But while ‘Rock in the Road’ isn’t conclusive proof that the show is back on track, it’s certainly a satisfying hour taken on its own. Chances are, like Rick, you’ll be left with a grin on your face.”

-Morgan Jeffery, Digital Spy