The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Where Did Father Gabriel Go?

Mild spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 9 follow!The Walking Dead has returned from […]

Mild spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 9 follow!

The Walking Dead has returned from its midseason hiatus with a big question mark to start the first episode of 2017.

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In the opening moments of Episode 7×09 (Rock in the Road), Father Gabriel left his post atop the walls of Alexandria. He head for the pantry and cleared the garage out of all supplies. He promptly packed them into a car and drove straight out of Alexandria.

His new destination may or may not be revealed by the time The Walking Dead‘s midseason 7 premiere comes to a close. On the following slides, we’ll run through some possible destinations Father G might have punched into his GPS on his way out.

(Photo: Gene Page/AMC)

The Hilltop

Father Gabriel might have a bad feeling about things to come in Alexandria despite recently showing great faith in their future. If this is the case, he may have head out to a community which he has heard to be more reasonable and submissive when it comes to the Saviors.ย 

One of the neighboring communities which fits this bill is the Hilltop. The Kingdom also handles the Saviors well but Gabriel likely has not heard of them yet seeing as Rick hadn’t at the time of his departure.

Could Father Gabriel be kicking it at the Hilltop?

(Photo: Gene Page/AMC)


The Sanctuary

Father Gabriel must have taken the supplies for a reason. Could that reason be an offering?

If Gabriel heads straight for Negan’s Sanctuary with a car full of goods, he will certainly have Negan’sย full attention upon entry. As for why he would want to go to the Sanctuary and meet with the Saviors is anybody’sย guess. Gabriel has been taking unexpected initiative in the Safe-Zone lately, so he might either be trying to make peace after Spencer and Olivia’s deaths or trying to smuggle some food in for the now-captive Eugene Porter.

twd sanctuary


The Boat People

In the midseason 7 finale, Aaron and Rick were watched as they hauled guns back to Alexandria from an abandoned boat. Later, someone was also seen spying on Alexandria.ย 

If Gabriel had some sort of lead or off screen interaction with these people, it’s possible he head off to meet with them. After all, he was awfully confident that everything would work out for Alexandria a few episodes back. Maybe he has information about additional soldiers that no one else does.

TWD Creeper


Running Away

Maybe Father G has just had enough of Alexandria and they’re constant battles. Could Gabriel have packed up and hightailed it out of Alexandria?

If so, he wouldn’t be the first. Carol attempted to flee the Safe-Zone and leave everyone behind late in Season 6. Ultimately, she was saved by Morgan and brought to the Kingdom. Gabriel might find more success if this was his plan.



Somewhere New

Of course, the possibility remains that Father Gabriel will pop up somewhere entirely new and unheard of on The Walking Dead.ย 

The Walking Dead has introduced new communities without warning in the past. Characters have head off on their own and bumped into new faces. In fact, characters have head out never to be seen again — just ask Morales (if you can find him).

We’ll certainly be seeing Father Gabriel again at some point in the future but where he lands, nobody knows just yet.

(Photo: AMC)
