Two Fear The Walking Dead Characters Finally Make Sexy Time

09/11/2016 10:08 pm EDT

WARNING! Major spoilers ahead for the Pablo & Jessica episode of Fear The Walking Dead.

Well folks, it finally happened. Fear The Walking Dead brought seduction to the silver screen as two major characters had the chance to get intimate at the end of the episode.

More importantly, Nick finally got the action he deserved. It wasn't even in a flashback, either! While many theorized Nick and Ofelia would get together at some point, it was actually Luciana who made her move on the fan-favorite character.

When they first met, it seemed as if Luciana and Nick couldn't be more different. Luciana was the dedicated soldier, and Nick, the terrifying free spirit. Their relationship started off rocky, but you know what they say: opposites attract.

At the start of Pablo & Jessica, Luciana seemed a little softer than normal towards Nick. They shared a game of soccer with some children in the community. Things between the two started to get playful, and Luciana even began to flirt a little. It seemed odd at first, but the smiles they shared seemed incredibly genuine.

After news of her brother's death reached Luciana, it was Nick who comforted her. Their embrace felt a little awkward, but it grew warmer quickly.

Towards the end of the episode, Nick was given a house for his work in duplicating pills to give the gang at the grocery store. Later that night, a slight knock came at the door.

At this point, we all must have seen this coming. That doesn't mean it wasn't a total surprise. The even bigger shock was that Luciana initiated the interaction, not Nick.

Much of Nick's story has centered around love and acceptance. After seeing glimpses of his past, fans have been hoping someone else would see in Nick what we all do.

His chance has finally come, but this new relationship is likely to provide complications to their situation. If The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it's that post-apocalyptic relationships rarely ever work.

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