Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Monster

Fading in from black, we find Madison looking out as the ocean and fires burn all around her. Nick [...]

FTWD 201

Fading in from black, we find Madison looking out as the ocean and fires burn all around her. Nick and Strain ride to the shore on a motorized boat. Travis and Madison prepare to get on board as Travis' son sits with his dead mother.

The group get onboard Strand's yacht. Strand looks towards the fire in the distance and claims they will have some unwelcome friends shortly.

Madison and Travis see countless zombies approaching and plead with his son to come with them but he doesn't want to leave his mother. They get bombarded by walkers and take them down the best they can. Nick pulls up on the boat to transport them to the yacht. Cliff carries Liza's body and they all finally get on board. A zombie steps up out of the water but Nick uses the propeller to take its face off.

On the yacht, Daniel is waiting, shotgun in hand. Strand compliments Nick for getting everyone to the boat safely. Strand starts the engines and the boat begins to move as the group watches Los Angeles burn down behind them.

The next day, Strain hands out instructions on the yacht and is confident they'll be just fine. They're in the middle of the ocean.

Travis walks through a hallway and finds Chris. The sound of distant screams catches his attention, though.

Up top, the group sees a bunch of people floating towards them. She rushes to Strand to tell him to stop the boat but he tells her he filled his mercy quota. He's not saving anyone else.

Daniel prepares for the worst. Alicia wants to help them but Travis is hesitant. He sends her off to listen to the radio. Travis and Madison plead with Strand to stop the boat but Travis ultimately agrees that it wouldn't be safe to stop the boat.

Alicia picks up various distress calls on the radio. She sits with Chris and listens.

Travis and Daniel watch the floating refugees become more distant as Alicia hears the Coast Guard reveal that there is no help coming.

Atop the Abigail, Nick reveals he thinks Strand should've stopped but Strand disagrees. They're heading to San Diego with no plan B right now.

Alicia finds her mom on the deck and Madison urges Alicia to get some sleep. She doesn't want to. Alicia is skeptical of where they're going and how Madison could even know. She dismisses her mom and continues to listen to the radio.

Madison heads down to the room where Travis is, who is deeply thinking about his son sitting with Liza's body. They're arguing about the people who floated by. Travis insists that his family is what's most important but Madison is very standoffish.

Alicia picks up some music on the radio. Someone radios asking if anyone else is out there or if anyone is alive. Alicia is hesitant to respond but does after a while with, "I'm here."

Chris continues to sit with his mother. He covers her up and looks pretty broken before finally heading to the deck where he starts fishing with Daniel. Daniel talks about fish briefly before apologizing for what happened to Chris' mother. Chris apologizes for Daniel's wife, in turn. Daniel catches an eel and mauls it so they can eat it.

Nick and Ophelia bump into each other below deck. He offers to help her with her wound but she turns it down. He parts ways by giving a few verbal tips.

Alicia talks with a man on the radio. He won't reveal where he is. They talk about their experiences with the apocalypse.

Travis approaches Daniel and asks what he and Chris were talking about. Daniel is aggravated by the fact that Travis would question him. Nevertheless, he tells Travis that one day Chris will see Travis' actions as mercy and reveals that he envies him for having done such a thing.

Later, Madison sits on the deck with binoculars. She heads inside and hears something which gets her attention. She pursues the sound and finds the captain's seat empty. She heads all the way to the top and finds him, telling him that someone is playing music in the distance. He claims he is talking to ghosts and she tells him she heard that, too. Madison asks how far out they are and they surmise they can "take care of her."

Alicia continues her conversation which is now much more friendly. She reveals to the guy that they have water and are on a yacht. The man continues his questions.

Madison and Daniel stand at the head of the boat. She asks him what's next and Chris tells her that if this is the end of the world then it's already over. Daniel doesn't trust Strand. He questions why Strand was so ready to leave L.A. on a moment's notice.

Alicia lays and looks at the drawing on her forearm that her late boyfriend drew as the guy on the radio tells her about the people he has lost.

Madison, Travis, Ophelia, Nick, Alicia, Daniel and Chris gather around Liza's body. Travis gives a touching speech about her. He concludes by saying that she loved her son more than anything. Chris calmly approaches and suddenly dumps her body into the ocean, surprising everyone.

Travis follows Chris to his room on the yacht. They argue. Chris says he could have fixed it and punches Travis in the face, saying, "You shot her!" Travis goes upstairs and Madison finds him with a bruised face.

Alicia heads back to her room and hears her friend as his boat sinks. He tells her he's just two miles off shore, south from the pillar of smoke that she can see. She rushes up to everyone else and asks if they can help them but Strand is very offended that she talked to everyone. He tells everyone three times that this is his boat and its thanks to him they're alive.

Later, Strand reveals to Nick that he's tired. Strand says that everyone who is here contributes. Nick is curious about how he can contribute.

Madison approaches Chris and asks if he hurt his hand. He silently nods to say "yes." Madison tells him about the first time she hit her own father. He asks what she wants and she tells him she wants him to come up because he needs to eat. She tells him that even if Travis hadn't shot Liza, she would have because she will never let that happen to someone she loves.

The group gathers in the yacht's dining room for dinner. Chris finally comes upstairs as everyone seems to be having a good time. They hear a splash from inside and realize that Chris jumped off the yacht. Nick goes in after him. Chris tells him he just wanted to swim.

Alicia isolates herself on the deck and tells her friend Jack that they can't come get him. He tells her, "I got you. I'll see you soon."

Strand hears something on his radar. Alicia looks for Jack. Nick and Chris swim around at sea. Nick realizes that the person swimming above him is a walker that is actually floating.

The yacht has come upon a wreck and the dead are turning in the water. Nick hers someone banging on a wall near the wreckage and goes after them. Chris is pulled onto Travis' life raft as Nick swims underneath the other boat which is ravaged with bullet holes. Travis goes in after him. A woman with a neck-brace who is now a walker attacks but he is able to escape.

Strand tells everyone that they need to leave immediately, saying it could be no one, or it could be the ones who destroyed the other boat.

Strand rushes the boat into gear to get away from the people who are approaching.