Cobra Kai began as an acclaimed, but scarcely seen original series on YouTube, bringing the story of Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence to the present. After being acquired by Netflix, however, Cobra Kai instantly became an enormous hit. The show has been one of the biggest on Netflix since its arrival and, believe it or not, its run is almost coming to an end. Cobra Kai will be concluding with its upcoming sixth season, but Netflix is helping fans prepare for its ending by putting the entire Karate Kid franchise in one place.
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At the start of the month, Netflix added a slew of movies to its streaming lineup, several of which belong to the Karate Kid series. The original 1984 film, which kicked off the entire saga, returned to Netflix on July 1st, along with both of its sequels and the 2010 remake.
The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid Part II, The Karate Kid Part III, and The Karate Kid (2010) have all made their way back to Netflix, having been on the service in the past. Now, the entire Karate Kid franchise can be viewed on the same streaming service.
Cobra Kai Season 6
The fifth season of Cobra Kai was released on Netflix last year, and the streaming service followed that up with the news that Season 6 was on the way. Unfortunately, Season 6 will be the final installment of the show, as the story is wrapping up.
At this point, we don’t know when Season 6 will arrive. It seemed at first like the plan was to see it debut in 2023, around the same time that Season 5 debuted last year. That likely won’t happen now, as production on the new season has hit delays related to the writers’ strike.
In the meantime, there are now four Karate Kid movies on Netflix to watch.
What’s New on Netflix?
We’re only a couple of days into July and we’ve already seen a ton of new titles make their way to Netflx, including the Karate Kid films. Below, you can check out the full list of films that kicked off the month, having arrived on Netflix on July 1st.
The Huntsman: Winter’s War
The Karate Kid (2010)
The Karate Kid (1984)
The Karate Kid Part II
The Karate Kid Part III
Liar Liar
ONE PIECE: Thriller Bark
ONE PIECE: TV Original 2
Pride & Prejudice
Prom Night
Rush Hour
Rush Hour 2
Rush Hour 3
Snow White & the Huntsman
The Squid and the Whale
Star Trek
Star Trek Into Darkness
The Sweetest Thing
Uncle Buck
Warm Bodies
Over the course of the month, Netflix will be adding even more movies and TV shows to its streaming lineup. You can check out the full list of July additions here.
Are you glad to see the Karate Kid series back together on Netflix? Let us know in the comments!