Better Call Saul Composer Reacts to Show's Record-Breaking Emmy Losses

Dave Porter has a great answer when asked about Better Call Saul's Emmy losses.

The Emmys took place earlier this month, and it was a big night for many fan-favorite shows. However, there was one beloved series that went home empty-handed: Better Call Saul. Over the course of its six seasons, Better Call Saul received 53 Emmy nominations, but never won any of the awards, officially making it the most-nominated show without any wins. This is especially surprising considering the show's predecessor, Breaking Bad, earned 16 Emmys throughout its five-season run. Better Call Saul writer, Thomas Schnauz, was having some fun with the record-breaking news, and he's not the only one. recently had the chance to chat with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul composer, Dave Porter, about his most recent project, Marvel Studios' Echo. During the interview, we asked if Porter had talked to any of his Better Call Saul colleagues about the losses.

"We did it," Porter joked when we brought up the record. "I actually haven't," he added when asked if he's talked to any of his co-workers about the Emmys. "But I've seen some of the witty responses running around by my colleagues online for sure. And yeah, here's my witty response, and it's not going to be nearly as good as our witty writers, but my response is two words: The Wire.

Of course, The Wire is considered by many to be one of the greatest shows in history, but throughout its five seasons, the show only ever scored two Emmy nominations and zero wins, both for writing.  

"I can promise you no one in the Better Call Saul writers' room was thinking about Emmys when they wrote the show," Porter added. "You know what I mean? You can't spend your time thinking about that. So much of that depends on politics and timing and a million other things. And while I'm certainly grateful, I think that Breaking Bad got recognition particularly early on because it was a fragile show very early on. And those early awards, I think, built confidence in the network and everybody else that the show could be something special. But Better Call Saul obviously was what it was to begin with, and was great to begin with, and a known quantity. So I don't think it was super important. Obviously, awards are always nice, but..." 

You can watch our interview with Porter at the top of the page.

Echo is now streaming on Disney+ and Hulu and will leave Hulu on April 9th. You can currently watch all six seasons of Better Call Saul on Netflix.