Dexter Revival Setting Location Revealed

In a matter of weeks, the Dexter revival will begin to roll cameras, and fans of the show will [...]

In a matter of weeks, the Dexter revival will begin to roll cameras, and fans of the show will eventually see the show's titular character leave his logging ways in Oregon. A new report courtesy of TVLine suggests the serial killer will leave his life behind — at least the one established in the series' controversial finale — and return to the eastern seaboard. In fact, the revival will take place in the fictional town of Iron Lake, somewhere in upstate New York.

The original series previously took place in Miami, as Dexter (Michael C. Hall) serves as a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. The revival will also feature Clancy Brown in the role of the revival's antagonist, playing the mayor of Iron Lake.

Hall, of course, will return as the eponymous character after a finale that has been the source of much contentious over the years.

"It's a conversation that's been ongoing, and different possibilities have emerged over the years," the actor previously told The Daily Beast of his choice to return for the limited series. "I think in this case, the story that's being told is worth telling in a way that other proposals didn't, and I think enough time has passed where it's become intriguing in a way that it wasn't before."

He added, "And let's be real: people found the way that show left things pretty unsatisfying, and there's always been a hope that a story would emerge that would be worth telling. I include myself in the group of people that wondered, 'What the hell happened to that guy?' So I'm excited to step back into it. I've never had that experience of playing a character this many years on."

Though Hall understands why the show ended why it did, he's hoping the revival can tell the right ending for the characters once and for all.

"A criticism that speaks to someone's experience is warranted. I certainly thought it was justifiable for Dexter to do what he did," Hall added of his character. ". I think some of the criticisms were about that, and some of the criticisms weren't so much about the 'what' as they were about the 'how,' and those were valid too. We certainly do live in an era where the bar is very high as far as the simultaneous surprise, satisfaction, and closure that should go along with a series finale."

Dexter is now streaming on the Showtime app.