The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Includes an Appearance From Don Cheadle's War Machine

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become well-known for quite a lot of things, but one aspect of [...]

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become well-known for quite a lot of things, but one aspect of the franchise that fans love the most is its interconnected nature. At any moment, in any of the MCU's movies or TV shows, any character from the greater universe can pop in for an appearance. Doctor Strange will be in the new Spider-Man movie. The Guardians of the Galaxy are helping out Thor on his next adventure. And it appears as though Rhodey, aka War Machine, will have a role in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

There have been few details revealed about the next Disney+ Marvel series, other than it debuts on the streaming service this March. However, MCU star Don Cheadle recently sat down with BroBible's Post-Credit Podcast and talked about some crossover potential for his character. In addition to getting his own series, Armor Wars, Rhodey will be showing up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier at some point.

"That's some of the fun of the MCU, that we all get to show up in each other's stories, and there are ways that we're cross-platforming these characters, and they become storylines, sometimes, in the movies. And then these storylines in the movies become storylines in the shows," Cheadle said.

"It's really a fun and interesting and, by all imagination, completely open-ended — this can go anywhere," he continued. "It's great, I can't wait to get in the room with the writers and figure out how all those things [connecting Armor Wars to the MCU] happen. You know, Rhodey shows up in Winter Soldier and Falcon's show. So, it can be a lot."

An appearance from Rhodey in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier makes more sense than some other potential crossovers, mainly because he's another "grounded" character that has roots in the United States military. He's cut from a similar cloth as Sam and Bucky. And of course, an appearance from Rhodey likely won't include the War Machine armor, at least not in this next series.

Regardless, fans of the franchise will certainly enjoy seeing Rhodey pop up in another title. The character has become a favorite amongst fans over the last few years.

Are you excited to see Rhodey make his way to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? How do you think he'll show up? Let us know in the comments!

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is set to debut on March 19th on Disney+.