Frozen: Disney+ Reveals Olaf Presents Official Trailer

Frozen's Olaf is getting another miniseries on Disney+ and they just released the first trailer. Olaf Presents sees the lovable snowman chronicling other Disney classics. This seems tailor-made for voice actor Josh Gad, who used to do a bit like this on social media explaining other movies. Mixing Disney Renaissance films and one of the company's biggest hits from the modern era seems like a no-brainer. Disney+ Day will see the series release alongside a deluge of other shows and shorts. Frozen Fever is another entry from Anna and Elsa's world. The streaming platform had a winner with Once Upon a Snowman last year. had the chance to attend a virtual press conference for that Disney+ series. We learned quite a lot about what motivated the crew to approach the character again after the two massive movies. 

"I would say that Olaf has this overwhelming optimism and sincerity about him. And that just never gets old," Head of Animation Becky Bresee explained. "It's something that we all sort of aspire to and sometimes fall short. But Olaf is always there charging ahead with just this eternal optimism and sweetness that I think is a part of all of us, but maybe we wish we had more of. And it's sort of inspiring."

"I grew up on Disney movies in the '90s," co-director and co-wrtier Trent Correy added. "I loved Aladdin, by far my favorite movie. And the genie was my favorite character. And I think what I loved about the genie was that he could be hilarious and change shapes, but he could also be sincere. And from an animator's point of view, Olaf's just everyone's favorite character to animate because he can be very emotional. Like Becky mentioned, he's connected to the sisters. But he's also fun to just break apart."

Disney+ describes the series down below:

"In "Olaf Presents," Olaf steps into the spotlight and goes from snowman to showman as he takes on the roles of producer, actor, costumer and set builder for his unique "retelling" of five favorite Disney animated tales in "Olaf Presents," a series of new animated shorts from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The charismatic and versatile Olaf demonstrates his theatrical flair, taking on such iconic roles as a mermaid, a genie, a lion king (and most of the parts in between), as he entertains Arendelle with his delightful abbreviated versions of these beloved tales. Josh Gad returns to voice Olaf with veteran Disney animator Hyrum Osmond directing and Jennifer Newfield producing."

Are you going to be watching the Frozen spinoff when it airs? Let us know down in the comments!