TV Shows

Game of Thrones Coffee Cup Goof Inspires This Hilarious Indiana Jones Edit

Over the past decade, Game of Thrones has inspired a number of memes, thanks in large part to its […]

Over the past decade, Game of Thrones has inspired a number of memes, thanks in large part to its growing fandom being quick to hop on social media to parody iconic moments from various episodes. Whether it be intense dramatic moments or lighthearted quotes, the fantasy series has been an endless source of entertainment. During this past week’s episode, fans noticed that a contemporary coffee cup was accidentally left on a table, ultimately making its way into the finished episode. While fans mocked the moment mercilessly on social media, one fan pointed out that Game of Thrones is far from the only iconic property to inadvertently include such an artifact.

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A Twitter user took the iconic scene from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade where the archaeologist is forced to pick the Holy Grail if he wants to survive and inserted an obvious coffee cup as one of the many options to choose from.

This is only one of the hilarious responses to the moment, with Starbucks’ official account also getting in on the action. While the cup spotted in the scene clearly wasn’t from the popular company, many memes were claiming it was convenient product placement.

“TBH we’re surprised she didn’t order a Dragon Drink,” Starbucks shared on their Twitter account.

Rather than try to deny what the fans saw or act defensively about the faux pas, HBO’s official response also erred on the comedic side.

HBO’s statement noted that it was a coffee cup from craft services, joking, “The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.”

Producer Bernie Caulfield also offered his apologies on the matter during a recent interview.

“We’re sorry!” Caulfield shared with WNYC. “Westeros was the first place to actually, you know, have Starbucks.”

Earlier this year, one fan spotted a character from an early episode who appeared to be wearing contemporary clothing in the background, which also went viral, though Caulfield noted that the work of costume designers and prop masters rarely leads to errors such as these.

“Prop people and decorators are so, you know, so on it 1,000 percent,” the producer noted. “If that’s the worst thing they’re finding, then we’re in good shape.”

New episodes of Game of Thrones air Sunday nights at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.

What has been your favorite meme? Let us know in the comments below!


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