TV Shows

Jimmy Kimmel’s I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy Released for 2020

Jimmy Kimmel has released the latest installment of his annual ‘I Told My Kids I Ate All Their […]

Jimmy Kimmel has released the latest installment of his annual “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” YouTube challenge. Each year, the comedian and late-night host tasks parents withy lying (one assumes) to their children. The parents tell their kids that they ate all of the candy the children had gathered on Halloween and then film the kids’ reactions. This year, Kimmel explained that he wouldn’t issue the challenge since kids have been through a lot already with the COVID-19 pandemic. It turns out that hundreds of parents went through with the challenge regardless, which convinced Kimmel and his team to assemble the 2020 challenge video.

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“This year, we decided not to do it because kids have suffered enough,” Kimmel says while introducing the video. “And, guess what, the parents went ahead and did it anyway, so what the hell, here it is.” You can watch the video above.

The children in the video are, for the most part, understandably upset. “You ate all my Halloween candy! That is so mean!” one screams after hearing the lie. “We’re going to have to get you your own house with your own candy,” one girl tells her father. Another says she wants to “violently kick” Jimmy Kimmel “in the face” for putting the parents up to this bit. Another girl reminds her mother of the good Christian teachers she ignored for the prank. “Jesus does not lie, remember you taught us that?” she says. Another cries, “It was mine! It was special!”

A couple takes the “news” in stride, offering hugs and forgiveness, though most end up in tears. One video has a bit of both, as one son wails while the other cheerfully accepts a piece of toast as a replacement for the lost sweets.

If you want to understand how Kimmel has been doing this, one kid has caught on to the pattern. He tells his parents, “You did not eat all my Halloween candy, and I already know that because you do it every year!”

The video ends with a request for views to donate their leftover candy to Operation Gratitude. The organization will send it to American soldiers overseas. Operation Gratitude’s mission is “to forge strong bonds between Americans and their Military and First Responder heroes through volunteer service projects, acts of gratitude, and meaningful engagements in communities nationwide.”

What do you think of this year’s Halloween candy challenge? Let us know in the comments.