Loki Season 2 Episode 5 managed to reveal one MCU character’s secret Marvel Comics identity. On Twitter, user @ImSheWhoRemains zoomed-in and discovered that Hunter B-15’s true name is Verity Willis. So, that means she’s a fun character from Loki’s Marvel Comics adventures. Over in Loki: Agent of Asgard, she travelled with the God of Mischief all over the timeline and helped try to save the world from imminent calamity. Verity’s powers in the comics center around being able to see through deceptions and divine the truth. A helpful tool when you’re crashing around the Marvel Universe with a Loki variant.
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In the comics, Verity also accompanies Loki to the end of time where he was in a struggle with King Loki. (He’s an evil variant of the trickster god, by the way.) That’s not so dissimilar from the plot of the Disney+ Loki show so far. However, what awaits Loki at the end of all this conflict might not be a glaring version of himself… but rather a more sinister figure. Verity’s appearance in an MCU show also highlights a Marvel Studios penchant for nodding to the comics around the edges without anyone saying the character’s name on-screen. Remixing is as much a part of The MCU DNA as the fanfare at the beginning of these programs or the post-credits scenes.
Life “Before” The TVA Was Different

Seeing things and meeting people we’ve met before is the entire vibe of Loki Season 2 Episode 5. The production designer for the series talked to Marvel.com about recreating O.B.’s workshop in his own timeline. Kasran Farahani says that he wanted the viewers to feel that creeping feeling of things being familiar but also unique. Think like deja-vu. So, for all of our time-displaced friends, there are familiar elements to their stories like Hunter B-15 being a helper in her other life.
“I think that was something throughout the episode we were talking about you wanted it to just feel like you’re home with these characters, but truly uncanny in the true sense of the word,” Executive Producer Kevin Wright said during the piece. “It’s home-like, and that is what makes it feel familiar, but also potentially really odd. A lot of that was trying to capture, again— and this was a through line in Season 1, bringing it through here— a little bit of that Wizard of Oz feel of, its home, but it’s not. It’s filled with familiar faces, but they’re not the people that you know.”
Loki Season 2’s Conclusion Is On The Way

Marvel Studios fan-favorite Tom Hiddleston stars in Loki Season 2, returning as the titular God of Mischief for another round of time-traveling hijinx on Disney+ on October 6th. Loki is once again joined by Mobius (Owen Wilson) as the two attempt to keep the timelines intact. After the events of Season 1 saw his variant Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) kill He Who Remains and unleash the wrath of Kang the Conqueror upon the Multiverse, Loki must once again embark on an adventure to keep reality from collapsing.
Loki was last seen in the post-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, where he and Mobius were keeping tabs on one of Kang’s mysterious variants. Loki Season 2 will continue the story of the Multiverse Saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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