The debut season of the sitcom Miracle Workers on TBS delivered a hilarious and high-concept experience for audiences, with subsequent seasons seeing the show jump to various points in time throughout history to continue the characters’ antics. With the upcoming Season 4 of the series, rather than jumping to a point in history, the beloved characters will be heading to a post-apocalyptic scenario, allowing stars Daniel Radcliffe and Geraldine Viswanathan to explore uncharted territory for their characters and their relationship. Miracle Workers: End Times and all its dystopian hilarity is set to premiere on TBS on Monday, July 10th.
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Given the scarce resources in such a scenario, both stars weighed in on the most pressing issue: which of their costars would they cannibalize first?
“I’m trying to think, is this a question I should take seriously? I mean, I don’t know why, I can’t justify it in any way, my mind is going to Jon,” Radcliffe revealed to “I don’t know if it’s the role that he played in this season, but I definitely — I can’t give you a good reason, but Jon Bass.”
Viswanathan added, “Karan Soni. He’s a tasty little snack.”
Miracle Workers: End Times is described, “In a post-apocalyptic future, a wasteland warrior (Daniel Radcliffe) and a ruthless warlord (Geraldine Viswanathan) face the most dystopian nightmare of all: settling down in the suburbs. Together they navigate the existential horrors of married life and small-town living, all under the dubious guidance of a wealthy junk trader (Steve Buscemi). Also starring Jon Bass as the couple’s faithful war dog, and Karan Soni as a kill-bot who loves to party. Guest stars this season include, Quinta Brunson (Abbott Elementary), Garcelle Beauvais (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills), Kyle Mooney (Saturday Night Live), Ego Nwodim (Saturday Night Live), Lolly Adefope (Shrill), Paul F. Tompkins (HouseBroken) and Lisa Loeb (Robot Chicken).”
Part of what has made Miracle Workers such an exciting experience is that it not only acts as an anthology, but with its returning cast and characters, End Times will get to strengthen connections between its characters and explore new dynamics.
“I think when [showrunner] Robert [Padnick] pitched the idea of it being, of using the whole thing as the this … the questions, people are always asking themselves, ‘Should we have a kid? Is it a bad time?’ And then the idea of asking yourself those questions as a nuclear holocaust has happened already and you’re still kind of having those debates,” Radcliffe recalled of what excited him about the new season. “There’s something about that that says human beings are both really stupid but also really wonderful.”
He continued, “And I feel like the idea of that, I was just really taken with the chance to play around in … I think we had all, between Season 3 and 4, there’s only so many jokes about the past is bad that you can make. So I think we’d all hoped we would end up in a futuristic world of some kind. And I’m very happy that they went so dystopian with it.”
Going along with the theme of the new season, we see our characters in the appropriate attire, as they sport intimidating leather, chains, and spikes.
“I remember, because I was nervous about, in the script, she’s so scary and this menacing warlord,” Viswanathan recalled of first seeing her costume. “And I was like, ‘How are we going to do that?’ But as soon as I saw the costume and worked closely with the makeup artist and the hair, it all made sense and did so much of that work and was so exciting to get to wear the spikes. But that was pretty much all them. They were geniuses.”
Radcliffe added, “I ended up having one costume for the whole thing and it was super cool. So yeah, I lucked out and the costume department and the makeup department on this year just really knocked it out of the park.”
Despite the impressive ensembles, no one should investigate either star’s personal closets for keepsakes.
When asked if they kept any pieces of the wardrobe, Radcliffe confirmed, “No, and I should have. I normally try to, but I don’t know why I didn’t this time. I would tell you if I stole. I’ve stolen from other sets, but I didn’t from this one for some reason. You should have kept the spikes, although you probably wanted to see the back of them.”
Viswanathan joked, “I should have kept the spikes just when I go jogging.”
Miracle Workers: End Times is set to premiere on TBS on Monday, July 10th.
WIl you be checking out the new season? Let us know in the comments!