Paper Girls killed Weird Al Yankovic and fans are a little bit confused. Brian K. Vaughan had to come onto Instagram to clear the air about his love of the pop culture musician. In Y: The Last Man, Yankovic shows up as well. That’s really just a product of the performer taking up so much brain space. The creator mentions UHF especially as a flash point in his formative years. Because of that outsized influence, Weird Al keeps showing up time and time again. For fans of both shows, seeing the back and forth has been absolutely delightful. Check out what he had to say down below:
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“Okay, this is the definition of weird, so please stick with me. Growing up, @alfredyankovic could not have been a bigger inspiration. I saw “UHF” in the theaters three times (“Spatula City” is one of the most perfect pieces of comedy ever), and the “Off the Deep End” tour was one of my first (and to this day, greatest) live concert experiences. Despite Al’s importance in my upbringing, I don’t think I ever name-checked him in any of my comics’ many dopey pop-culture references.”
“Nevertheless, cut to 2020, when the tv adaptations of both Y: THE LAST MAN and PAPER GIRLS were deep in development with two completely different sets of writers for two completely different networks, and yet, on the exact same day, I received first drafts in my inbox for different episodes of Y and Paper Girls, and was beyond floored to discover that they improbably both shared the exact same title: “WEIRD AL IS DEAD” (which has very different meanings in each series).”
“I immediately reached out to all showrunners involved, who were a) appropriately blown away by this cosmic coincidence, and b) in agreement that both shows should keep this title, which they each somehow arrived at completely independently. But I want to make it very clear that everyone involved in these series is extremely grateful that Mr. Yankovic is decidedly NOT DEAD, and I pray that he’ll accept this admittedly morbid double tribute as a testament to his cultural immortality and undying influence on multiple generations of diverse creators. I love you, Al, and I can’t wait to see your upcoming biopic, which I sincerely hope doesn’t end with you and/or your accordion in a casket. #WEIRDTheAlYankovicStory #PaperGirls #YLivesOn”
Here’s how Amazon describes the series: “Paper Girls follows four young girls who, while out delivering papers on the morning after Halloween in 1988, become unwittingly caught in a conflict between warring factions of time-travelers, sending them on an adventure through time that will save the world. As they travel between our present, the past, and the future — they encounter future versions of themselves and now must choose to embrace or reject their fate. The series stars Sofia Rosinsky as Mac Coyle, Camryn Jones as Tiffany Quilkin, Riley Lai Nelet as Erin Tieng, Ali Wong as Adult Erin, Fina Strazza as KJ Brandman, and Nate Corddry as Larry.”
How have you enjoyed Paper Girls so far? Let us know down in the comments!