TV Shows

The Big Bang Theory Fans Still Not Happy About Controversial Raj Ending

The Big Bang Theory fans are torn on the arc and ending of Raj.

The Big Bang Theory ended six years ago in 2019 after a 12 season, 279 episode run that began back in 2007. It has been several years since The Big Bang Theory finished, but many fans continue to talk and debate its epic run. A big reason why is because through streaming and aggressive rerun scheduling, it still is very much relevant. This means a lot of the conversations around the show when it was running, and when it ended, remain active.

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For example, this week fans of The Big Bang Theory have been debating via Reddit the ending of the show, and specifically the ending for Raj. As one popular, but contentious post notes, he didn’t quite get the same ending as the rest of the main cast, which ended up in relationships and with a more clear cut progression from the start of the show. Raj though ends the show how he began it, single.

“Everyone got a ending except Raj,” reads the post in question. “Not taking away anything from them, but the show creators made sure most of the characters have an ending excluding Raj.”

The post adds: “At least paring him with someone would have been good. I wanted to see how will Raj and Howard handle their friendship, when both become busy with their relationships.

Now, the number the votes up the post has, and some of the comments, suggest this is a commonly held view of the Raj arc. However, there are more comments that counter this sentiment than echo it, suggesting a real division among the fan base on this topic.

“Shoehorning in a relationship would have sucked more,” reads one of these disagreeing comments. “He’s still Raj, he’s still a terrible partner. A relationship ending would mean either Raj going completely out of character and suddenly being able to be a healthy adult or an unhappy marriage. Keeping him single is both more in character as well as more believable. Also, there is nothing wrong with being single.”


Of course, there is no right answer here but it is a testament to the show that there is such a split opinion on the Raj arc and ending. Everyone loves a good character, and everyone hates a bad character. A great character is often divisive though. That said, as and always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think.