Impact Wrestling's Jordynne Grace Talks Taking Tag Team Gold With Jazz at Sacrifice, X-Division Title Hopes, and More

Impact Wrestling is set to deliver an action-packed card in tonight's Sacrifice event, which will [...]

Impact Wrestling is set to deliver an action-packed card in tonight's Sacrifice event, which will have all of the Championship titles in the mix. That includes the Knockouts Tag Team Championships, currently held by Fire 'N Flava, but the team of Jordynne Grace and Jazz are looking to take those titles off their hands and kick off a reign of their own. had the chance to talk to Grace ahead of tonight's big throwdown, and during our conversation, we not only talked about the match but also what she enjoys most about working with Impact, what she wants to see more of in the future, and what title she has her eyes set on next.

Grace and Jazz will have their shot to become only the second Champions to hold the new Knockouts Tag Team titles, but for Grace it's less about that and more about being able to hold gold with a legend like Jazz.

(Photo: Impact Wrestling)

"Well, honestly for me, it would mean less that we're the second tag team champions, but it would mean the most because it was with Jazz," Grace said. "She's a legend and that would obviously be like a dream come true for me."

As for teaming with Jazz, it wasn't something she expected to happen, but she's been thrilled with the results. "It's not something I pitched. It definitely happened organically," Grace said. "I didn't know that it was going to happen at all, and I definitely didn't know it was going to happen with Jazz. But when I heard that I was very excited, and I was ready and willing to do anything that I could to make it last as long as possible."

"Jazz is very laid back and humble. And I think that's like ... It's crazy that she's a WWE legend, and she's one of the people that started the revolution pretty much, and she's just still so ... she's not full of herself, she's very down to earth, and I hope that I can be that way whenever I'm her age and I've been wrestling as long as she has," Grace said.

(Photo: Impact Wrestling)

As for what's next on Grace's solo accomplishments list, there is one title that she would love to hold one day. "I would love to win an X-Division title. That's something that I've challenged for before, and that would be really big for me if I was able to do that," Grace said.

Grace has been a part of Impact since 2018, and while her future beyond May with the promotion is unclear, she's truly enjoyed being a part of it to this point. When we asked what Impact does better than anyone else out there, it was all about how they handle the Women's Division and utilizing all the talent on the roster.

(Photo: Impact Wrestling)

"I think that they use their women better than anyone else, to be honest," Grace said. "I think that they showcase their women. Their women are frequently in main event matches and always on the Pay-Per-View. And they also use everyone. No one's ever just standing on the sidelines. Everyone is always in some kind of storyline. So no one just sitting back and just kind of waiting around for their turn, which is what happens in a lot of companies. And maybe that's because there's so many women in general in those other companies. But Impact does a good job of using us all to the best of our abilities and to our strengths."

As for what she would love to see Impact take on in the future, it would be a more even balance of the men and women's rosters.

"I think that this might be Impact's plan just in general, but I would love to see a women's division that is equal to the men's division, as in the same number of people on both sides," Grace said. "You don't really see that in any companies right now, and I think that would be extremely unique if they were to do that."

(Photo: Impact Wrestling)

No doubt Grace will be ready for tonight's big match against Fire 'N Flava, and who knows, maybe that will include some new gear for the special occasion. Grace has a go to person for her ring gear, who is actually an Olympic figure skater as well as a designer. She's come up with some killer designs thus far, and Grace was actually the first wrestler she ever designed ring gear for.

We asked if there were any challenges in going from the world of figure skating gear to wrestling gear, and there was one thing they learned after the first run.

"Oh yeah, definitely. So figure skaters, they have rhinestones, big, thick rhinestones all over their outfits. And we found out very quickly into her making my first one that that just wasn't going to work," Grace said. "She made these big gauntlets for me that have gemstones all over them, and I remember my first match, I wore them, and they immediately caught on someone's fishnets, right off the bat. And I was like, 'Okay, well, we can't do this anymore.'"

While you won't see the rhinestones, you will see Grace and Jazz ready for action when Sacrifice kicks off at 8 PM EST on Impact Plus.

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