Jason Jordan's Health Attached to Sobering Report

Jason Jordan was supposed to be back from injury months ago. However, news on his progress has [...]

Jason Jordan was supposed to be back from injury months ago. However, news on his progress has been ambiguous at best and worrisome at worst. But the latest report seems to be more of the latter.

During an episode of PWInsider Elite Audio, Mike Johnson said that there are currently no plans being made for Jordan's return as WWE is unsure if he'll ever be able to compete again.

"I heard there is no time frame on when Jordan will be returning to the ring, if at all. That's why they got him backstage working in production. Apparently, it's a lot worse [his neck] than they thought it was going to be," said Johnson.

This marks the continuation of a narrative that underlines Jordan isn't healthy. After undergoing was said to be a minimally invasive procedure to fix a nerve issue in his neck this February, original reports had him returning after WrestleMania. That obviously didn't happen and more reports surfaced indicating that Jordan's injury was feared to be more serious than originally believed.

There was a rumor that had him and Chad Gable rectifying American Alpha upon Jordan getting healthy, but that was negated by news of Jordan working as a producer backstage. At this point, Jordan's health has made more negative headlines than positive and it may be appropriate to be concerned.

To add to the confusion, Jordan's wife posted to Instagram earlier this year to quell the hysterics budding around his health.

"I will address this once...Yes, 'Jason Jordan' is injured. I assure you everything you have seen online is 'Fake News!' He has a minor neck injury and will be back in no time! Although, I am very excited to have him home for a bit, I promise, I will help guide him to a speedy recovery! Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on him! He is very positive and already planning his comeback! In the meantime, just please keep sending Nathan and my good vibes!!" she wrote.

Now that we're a few months removed from her post, it'd be great to get another update from his wife. However, this is certainly a private matter that Jordan nor WWE have commented on.

At 29-years old, Jordan is one of WWE brightest young Superstars. Before his injury, WWE used Jordan across every hour of Raw as he was apart of multiple storylines. Ranging from his father/son dynamic with Kurt Angle to his combustible partnership with Seth Rollins, it appeared Jordan was being set up to be a key player in WWE moving forward. If he is able to return, we'll assume he'll resume that lofty arch.

[H/T Ringside News]