John Cena's Heartwarming Interaction With Young Fan at WWE SmackDown Goes Viral

John Cena's star power cannot be denied, something he's showing off every week in WWE since his [...]

John Cena's star power cannot be denied, something he's showing off every week in WWE since his big return at Money in the Bank, not to mention in Hollywood with the press tour for The Suicide Squad in full swing. Charisma, athletic ability, and comedic timing are all elements of that star power, but perhaps the most important element is the passion he has for the fans. Throughout his career, Cena has created a multitude of memorable moments with fans of all ages, whether through Make-A-Wish or just in interactions at or around WWE shoes, and that includes a sweet moment between him and a young fan after the most recent SmackDown. The video has started to go viral, and after you watch it you will understand why...after you wipe the happy tears from your eyes.

Cena was talking with fans and signing things after SmackDown, and that's where he met a young fan who was decked out in Cena gear. Cena signed his Never Give Up towel and then took a picture with him, which was awesome enough, but it gets better. The boy's mother then asked Cena if he could walk with him, as he was in a wheelchair, so they helped him to his feet and Cena walked with him.

The best part of all of this happened next though. The boy's mother helped him into his wheelchair, and right as he sat back down he reached out towards Cena for a hug. Cena hugged him and...yeah, that's where I started crying. You leave me be! You can watch the video above.

"John Cena has granted over 650 wishes to children battling life-threatening illnesses through the make-a-wish foundation since 2004.

That's almost one per week for 16+ straight years. Here's his interaction with a fan after SmackDown last night...Incredible 🙏 (🎥: u/wsda10)"

The Suicide Squad director James Gunn also weighed in on the moment, saying that it truly depicts who Cena is. Gunn wrote "This is @JohnCena through & through. He doesn't trumpet it or use it as a publicity tool. It's simply who he is & one of the reasons I'm proud to call him friend. (And I'll trumpet it for him because he deserves the ❤️)."

Moments like this truly leave an impression on fans, and it's wonderful to see someone so willing to help create those moments. Here's to plenty more down the road.